From my time on Lemmy. There seems to be a lot of American propaganda on here from people.
From my time on Lemmy. There seems to be a lot of American propaganda on here from people.
Can we stop min /max for profit and start min/max for kindness
Ohhh good point thank you I didn’t realize that. There isn’t much context for me on it. I appreciate helping. Thank you.
Ohhh the “haha drug addicts are funny” kinda thing. Got it thank you.
I don’t get it? Anybody want to help me understand this. Joke I presume
Capsicum it self. Peppers that don’t have it are fine but the more it has the worse it is for me. Technically not a “allergy” but it’s close enough imo.
As someone who’s allergic to peppers and how its in so fuckin much of everything now, I wouldn’t be surprised if they did this.
I would do diagnostic steps I used over the decades of fixing old computers I get.
I have problems (really don’t understand how or why this effected video in one my machines) that there was a USB input that was doing weird things to video and found out it was the USB port failure.
Try a different GPU or onboard GPU if any.
Do tests on ram to see there ok also.
It could be something as simple as a connector that isn’t plugged in just right.
If all else fails (aka I get pissed of because nothing seems to work) I would just remove absolutely everything besides absolutely minimum. One stick of ram (if mobo allows it) one drive, no video card if you have onboard and unplug everything besides keyboard, video and power. Sometimes it’s the USB port, sometimes it’s the specific ram slot.
Does foreign aid mean like giving money to Israel to bomb innocent PR people?