Antivaxxers who share their beliefs publicly should be prosecuted.
What they are doing is at least as consequential as the holocaust, in aggregate. We should, for the sake of public health, treat them as modern Typhoid Marys.
It’s already illegal to knowingly spread deadly diseases. Let’s stop tolerating these serious threats to our wellbeing.
I hope someone got fired for that blunder
To the top with this one
I tried but do not know how. Please feel free.
Why would you say something so controversial, yet so brave
Do not do if they are black though.
Hot. Almost spilled my beer.
I seem to remember having the same trouble, maybe with hiding vars from logs?
I also appreciate the alternative suggestion. No terraform love?
Props to all OG artists. Sadly I can’t cite sources for any that I post. I only have a few homegrown memes.
I’m colorblind but I guess anyway
You are most welcome
Yep the left is just measuring via repeated addition of slices n times, the right is the same but the slice thinness can approach 0, and the number of times approaches infinity
Just tell him it’s Dadaist. He’ll understand as a German