Even during the summer the lines are usually faded away so even on good nights you can barely see them. And because of plows no reflectors like down south.
Even during the summer the lines are usually faded away so even on good nights you can barely see them. And because of plows no reflectors like down south.
Damn thanks for the nostalgia hit.
Thats comparing apples to oranges.
At least there are some splashes of color and ocassional smells of nature.
Cold weather makes cities even more dystopian than they already are.
I love cold weather, but cold weather in the city kinda sucks.
I think it depends.
There are many interations.
Yes they profit from vapes, but they dont have as large a market share, as ‘anyone’ can make vape juice.
TIL Cessna made jet engines.
Ive only ever associated them with props.
I’ve just taken to randomly pressing buttons until it gives me a human.
This is pretty much me my whole life. I sweat super easy.
Also my brain itself doesn’t like heat. If you are familiar with Discworld, I’m basically a troll. The heat makes me dumb and unable to focus.
Im also super sensitive to humidity with breathing. When its warm and humid out I feel like I can’t breath.
I think most of us who take ‘long’ showers are using it as a form of relaxation/meditation whether consciously or not.
Washing everyday can be excessive. rinsing everyday is good.
This is my retirement plan. No sarcasm.
Im the opposite. Rgb keyboards are the only rgb components I actually like as it can actually serve a function.
An rgb keyboard with good programming software is invaluable. Being able to color code your keys based on game/function is great.
So much time wasted running antivirus scans that ate up the whole computer.