Using goolag play services will always decreace your privacy.
Using goolag play services will always decreace your privacy.
If your going to place Monero sticks all over town, make sure it says “Monero” on the sticker, the logo is not enough. When normies see the Monero logo, they do not know what it is and have no way to look it up.
But its though SimpleLogin, not ProtonMail itself.
A privacy email provider and email aliases for everything you sign up for.
Email Providers
Email Alias Providers
If you use cash, crypto or goldbacks (goldbacks are not popular however) each payment is one time. Another reason why cash, crypto and the goldback are based.
Before you change your accounts over to your new email, use email aliases like anonaddy or simplelogin for your online accounts.
TOR is the closest thing you will see to a “federated VPN”. You should always trust your VPN more than your ISP. There are open source VPNs like IVPN and Mullvad.
True, however it will require some grassroots movement/discussion to make it known.
A globalist leaning. Macron if I recall comes from big money in the financial world. The do not have a leaning poltically, they are amoral, dark triad.
Avoid all governmemt infused apps and services. Weather it is foreign or domestic.
Brave Search > Yandex
Why do right wingers hate freedom so much?
What? Am I on crazy pills? This has nothing to do with polticial leaning. Its man VS big gov.
If worse comes to worst, someone can fork Firefox and remove the in-browser censorship. That is the beauty of FOSS.
An very new alternative to cash are Goldbacks. Cash made of gold, designed to be inflation proof cash.
What? Talking to a cashier is dreadful? That is why your againsh cash?
Who cares. When you’re right, your right. I am sure many “far right people” are against stealing from your grandma. Agreeing to this common sense moral is bad?
It is good for privacy as long you do not install Google Play Services and also do not download any apps that is bad for your privacy. However GrapheneOS is a better option which additional security benefits.
Best place for XMR trading is AgoraDesk/LocalMonero
I was not aware of this.