G O U R A N G A !
G O U R A N G A !
It looks like a cross between double-typed characters from an old-school typewriter, and an optical illusion where the seemingly straight lines of the exclamation cast squiggly shadows.
Either way, IMO it’s quite busy and visually unappealing. Gove me a good ol’ !? any day of the week.
Plus, depending on context !? and ?! could mean two entirely different things; to me, the former is a sign of incredulity “What the fuck!?” - while the latter is a yelled question “Can you hear me?!”
I’d sincerely like to think so; between Mario Bros., Hook and Who Framed Roger Rabbit - Bob Hoskins is a foundational part of my childhood…
The American brain should be perfectly adapted to this sort of scenario! Just think it like one of those suburban cookie-cutter HOA developments, but vertical!
As for counting with multiple numbers, y’all love to do that already! feet & inches, pounds & ounces etc.
I have in-laws living in China, and honestly - it’s a lot easier to navigate those sorts of high rises than you might think.
Most residential buildings I’ve visited have lots of dedicated lifts, so only 2 apartments per floor share one lift. So you would only need to provide something like: Tower 37, Floor 19, Apartment 2.
The Chinese love their delivery apps, too - their drivers (technically scooter riders) are very used to this.
Now the city of Chongqing is a whole seperate matter, that place is an M. C. Escher drawing in real life!
VPN to a country with a lower cost, and sign up there. It used to be Turkey and India, where you could get a Family Plan for like $2/mo - but they’ve cracked down a bit on it.
We use YT for so much in our ‘household’ that it made sense to pool together and get Premium, and honestly it feels good having ~5 people who consume a tonne of content ad-free for nearly no cost while still supporting our preferred content creators.
Going by that argument though, then EVERYTHING is an indirect act of God.
Bullet wound? Clearly it was God’s will, for ordering the universe in such a way that an individual was armed at that point in time to cause you harm.
Cancer? God willed the carcinoma onto your skin.
Maybe it’s just Argumentum ad absurdum, but insurance companies are basically arguing against their own existence.
I specified one generation of hardware backwards compatibility; beyond that software emulation would be more than sufficient.
The PS5 is backwards compatible with all but ~6 PS4 titles. Sure that’s entirely because of the shared x86-64 architecture, but it makes the PS4 stand out like a sore thumb for its lack of direct generational backwards compatibility.
By the end of the PS3’s lifecycle the Cell processor has been die-shrunk multiple times, reducing power consumption, heat output and PCB space required. It could then share the rest of the PS4s existing IO chips and circuitry.
There was literally no reason for backwards compatibility to be removed beyond corporate greed. Blindly accepting it, and actually trying to justify that as a good thing is one of the key reasons this hobby has gone down the toilet.
Hard to improve on perfection, but they had to keep their UI designers employed I suppose?
It really wasn’t sustainable for the future maximising shareholder profits.
Maintaining PS3 backwards compatibility at launch was well within Sony’s operating profits. It was an international decision, which they proceeded to gaslight customers into believing want necessary or even wanted!
No doubt, the 360 had the PS3’s number earlier on - due in no small part to the lack of documentation for the Cell architecture making it much harder to program for, let alone optimise.
SCE America I think was credited with the mid-cycle turnaround thanks to a lot of Western-developed exclusives (Naughty Dog were a real MVP), which is why the PlayStation identity seems to have largely switched from Japanese to American from the launch of the PS4.
I’m a bit of a tech hoarder, and still own my original PSP, PS1, PS2 and PS3s… so luckily my first-born is at no risk just yet. 😅
It’s not about whether or not it’s possible via emulation on CFW, but rather the precedent that hardware-level backwards compatibility was a key feature.
It’s a damned shame that such official support was dropped moving forward, and IMO should have been taken as an early sign that gaming as a hobby was going to go downhill.
The launch PS3 was arguably Sony’s last great console (namely hardware backwards compatibility); I choose to die on this hill. 🫡
Did my best, but my European geography identity the best and may have missed a couple:
Germany & Poland oppose. Netherlands, Austria, Estonia, Slovenia and Czechia neutral. Portugal, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia and Greece support.
Probably safe to assume that the streaming app on your phone is collecting the same data about your viewing habits, whether or not you Chromecast it to another device.
If you just want something that’s more privacy-minded out of the box without messing about with custom ROMs etc, maybe consider an iPhone?
My personal use devices are all some variation of Pingu (eg. iPingu, Pingtendo etc.), and my NAS devices are based off Pokémon puns (Storlax and Archivysaur currently).
My wife on the other hand is boring, so her’s are just system default.