TIL a doll is not a toy in the eyes of the law.
Professional software engineer, musician, gamer, stoic, democratic socialist
TIL a doll is not a toy in the eyes of the law.
Has a simple backup and migration workflow. I recently had to backup and migrate a MediaWiki database. It was pretty smooth but not as simple as it could be. If your data model is spread across RDBMS and file, you need to provide a CLI tool that does the export/import.
Easy to run as a systemd service. This is the main criteria for whether it will be easy to create a NixOS module.
Has health endpoints for monitoring.
Has an admin web UI that surfaces important configuration info.
If there are external service dependencies like postgres or redis, then there needs to be a wealth of documentation on how those integrations work. Provide infrastructure as code examples! IME systemd and NixOS modules are very capable of deploying these kinds of distributed systems.
Allusion to Animal Farm, which is relevant to the discussion about class warfare.
Silverbullet is nice
I like AdGuard Home myself.
Wireguard is p2p.
EDIT: I guess the point is it’s doing peer discovery without static public IPs or DNS. Pretty cool!
I don’t really like the “as intended” take because it fails Hanlon’s Razor. Even Karl Marx understood that Capitalism is doomed to a crisis and revolution cycle, not because that’s what anyone wants, but because it is a law of nature.
The same is true of first-past-the-post voting.
The resolve to tear it down is still plausible though. I don’t know whether it is possible to escape capitalism without a revolution. The alternative is a perfect storm of progressive legislation that seems unlikely to occur in my lifetime.
I’ll move my foot to its dedicated spot in your ass.
I’m not in the market, but I’ve actually had similar thoughts of building a project on top of NixOS that’s focused on self-hosting for homes and small businesses. I recently deployed my own router/server on a BeeLink mini PC and instead of using something like OpenWRT, I used NixOS, systemd-networkd, nftables, etc.
DM me if you want to discuss more. I think the idea has potential and I might be interested in helping if you can get the business model right (even if it just ends up being some FOSS thing).
If your goal is to “self-host” a password manager, you might as well use Keepass + SyncThing.
Usually the downfall of rolling your own password manager is it’s easier to make mistakes and accidentally lock yourself out. Or if you don’t keep backups/replicas then you could easily lose your passwords.
If you go this route I recommend installing Kodi + Jellyfin Plugin + Kore Android App. You can control everything from your phone or laptop.