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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 9th, 2023


  • supersquirrel@sopuli.xyztomemes@lemmy.worldMaybe someday
    2 months ago

    For what it is worth I am not trying to dunk on being awkward, introverted or neurodivergent in a way that makes it hard to be confident in “normal” social situations (i.e. a normal defined by people with a brain entirely unlike yours). I don’t mean that kind of computer geek.

    The thing is, there are plenty of hot people who would think you are hot for being exactly that precise kind of nerd, or artist, or just different person with a different brain it’s just that interesting and different people are usually shy because of how people treat them for being interesting and different and so it is hard to actually find that other hot cool weirdo and get into a conversation with them. Once you do, you are off to the races into some weird kind of sexy nerdy wonderous relationship and all this incel nonsense collapses in one moment of looking into their eyes.

    The losers I am talking about never get to that point because they are never nice enough to a woman long enough to have them gaze into their eyes like that and a whole lot of them went into computers or business…

    The people I am attacking are too narrow minded to understand that the reason nobody they are attracted to wants to talk to them is the way they treat the people they are attracted to in moment to moment social interactions and also in political ideology and values.

    Computers are cool as fuck, computer people are great, we just need more cool people to dilute and displace the toxicity of this kind of ingrown toxic male masculinity that permeates a lot of video game and computer circles. It isn’t just bad for women, it actually erodes the capacity of the men in these circles to critically think, in otherwords this shit is brainworms.

    TL;DR Make Computing Great Again a.k.a. bring it back to it’s roots a.k.a. make it queer, feminine and militantly focused on fighting oppression and totalitarian ideologies again

  • supersquirrel@sopuli.xyztomemes@lemmy.worldMaybe someday
    2 months ago

    I mean I take your point but again you are just describing the technical details of localization. The little fiddly bits that can be automated and neatly dealt with by a computer or person with an accountant’s mindset for making sure little things plug neatly and cleanly into other little things. Any concept of “localization” that does not include careful consideration of the vast territory of nuance that surrounds the much easier technical details seems useless to me in the context of solving any actual real world problem.

    When it comes to the actual hard parts about localization I am fairly certain almost every computer professional I have ever met or talked to does not understand them. The more successful a computer person is in their career the more they tend to think everything in the world functions like computers and thus they don’t need to try to understand alternate systems or phenomena that don’t adhere to their narrow tool belt of critical thinking strategies that can’t handle even a homeopathic amount of ambiguity or subjective nuance.

    These types of people spend all day thinking in programs and then go home and play factorio and they think they are the smartest people in the entire universe, and they are idiots. Very very skilled idiots.

  • supersquirrel@sopuli.xyztomemes@lemmy.worldMaybe someday
    2 months ago

    Not to tech bros, they were to hungover from their sketchy frat bro ragers full of men hoping to get lucky and commit sexual assault to pay attention in that one humanities class they took freshman year.

    Language studies are an obsolete profession to them, the future they have built is bullshit all the way down, there is nothing left to study other than the language of utter incompetency and proud willful ignorance steeped in chauvinism which they eminate like a 2005 vintage Abercrombie & Fitch mall store eminated vapors of shitty cologne.

  • supersquirrel@sopuli.xyztoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldSelf hostable gif database?
    3 months ago

    (I made a seperate post because for alternate idea)

    Have you considered hosting a lemmy instance yourself and possibly preconstructing lemmy threads in some bulk fashion with gifs grouped by topic or theme and just use lemmy itself as the platform to share gifs?

    Just because lemmy threads were created to mimic reddit threads doesn’t mean we are confined to only using lemmy as a reddit-like tool…

    Just an interesting thought I had shrugs

  • …ok I know I always recommend dokuwiki for everything but it is super easy to set up and doesn’t need a database or anything and it comes stock with a nice gui media manager and a lot of plugins that extend that functionality.

    If you are willing to provide or pay for the hosting of a large amount of images I don’t see the reason to go with anything more complicated though you may find something more minimal that suits your needs.



    I don’t know if there is a way to handle metadata for non-jpg images but there are a number of ways you could organize gifs including photo namespaces.


    or using the imagebox plugin and just directly put tags in the caption


    or a number of other ways probably.

    The nice thing about this solution is all the data is accessible and in plain text readable markdown which also makes it easy to strap other things onto, search through with whatever tools you want and easily run a backup process on (especially since everything is neatly contained within a folder).

    Don’t make the mistake most people of thinking dokuwiki is only useful as a traditional wiki, it is such a simple and general tool that its power extends far past that.

  • In order for this to be accurate, the building plans would need to encoded so only the building designers have any clue how the building works and how safe it is.

    Also moving around random mundane objects in the building like a picture frame on an office wall not infrequently causes a cascading and horrendous displacement of all the other objects in the building.

    To open the breaker box involves operating two sets of panels, first the building tries to get you to use the new updated breaker panel interface but it was designed by the portion of the company that was told to sell more “cloud rooms” which are tiny and full of cameras that monitor residents and serve ads to them over a preinstalled intercom, so the first panel hides all the normal rooms and you have to find a latch and a set of 30 screws that when removed allows you to access the old breaker panel with all the other rooms. Every single time you open the breaker you have to repeat this process.

    There is a building supervisor that used to be at least somewhat helpful when residents had questions but they got replaced by a new person. The replacement confusingly advertises nearby chain stores to you when you call them up to ask about a plumbing issue and answers specific questions about the building they are in charge of oddly, as if they were questions about buildings in general all over the world.

    I feel like I am missing some key things here, but this is at least a somewhat accurate starting point for a microsoft word building.

  • Men need to find animal

    Women needed to make sure it was safe to eat

    Most food eaten wasn’t harvested from animals for most of human history in most cases. The obsession with hunting and meat consumption is a cultural one FROM CURRENT CULTURE (especially in the US where I live).

    There really is no good reason to enforce our current conceptions of gender, masculinity and feminity on wildly big swaths of human history. It is always a lie best case, worst case it plays into dangerous narratives about who “men” and “women” are “”“”“naturally”“”“” supposed to be.

    These kinds of reductive generalizations seem fun to make but they are hurtful, just plain wrong and honestly just kind of boring compared to the actual truth.

  • Hey fren, I may have mixed up my words but I was agreeing with you.

    I guess I should have just said “no justice no peace” because that about sums it up right?

    The absence of chaos does not equal civility or peace, order and uniformity imposed upon a living history of injustices, prejudices and systematic inequality does not create civility, this is why moderators need to be diverse and understand the context of the conversations they are moderating. There is no neutral, a moderation system is like a suspension system in car, it cannot eliminate the bumps in the road, it cannot eliminate the impulse from the car hitting those bumps, it can only react and moderate the resulting acceleration of the car’s chassis.

    Car suspension is tuned to ideally behave like a critically damped system, the impulse hits, discomfort happens, but the springs provide a moderating force that returns the vehicle back to its normal ride height as quickly as possible without wild oscillations from underdamping but also crucially without overly suppressing the impulse either and causing overdampening where an impulse is never really resolved, or processed and the car doesn’t really return to its normal ride height for a long time.

    No moderation creates wildly underdamped systems, but “everybody is equal and subject to the same precise rules no matter the context” moderation creates overdamped systems where pre-existing injustices and systematic prejudices are encoded into the dynamics of the system, departures from a stable norm are preserved and enlarged and while the suspension system may appear to behaving normally from the outside (no wild oscillations) it isn’t really functioning.

    It isn’t easy, but I don’t think it is worth lamenting how hard moderation of communities is. It will until the end of time be one of the most difficult problems to solve long after we have spaceships and unlimited healthcare and cold fusion. That is just the way it is, and we have to do our best and we also have to be willing to say it how it is.

    Which is all to say if a black person comes onto the fediverse and starts calling this white af space racist and isn’t being polite about it… well we should think long and hard before silencing that person shouldn’t we? People have a right to be upset when they have been hurt, and we don’t have a right to expect them to be polite about it after a certain point.

    We do have a responsibility to understand the context though, and that can lead to understanding how someone who is very outwardly angry and confrontational is actually participating in harm reduction in a community by confronting the overdamped inequalities locking the system into an unnaturally depressed state.