Are you following me?
Surban mom.
Are you following me?
My husband stays at home and does all things home (cooking, cleaning, kids etc.) and I work and do all things outside of the home. While we don’t have as much money as a two income household, not having to do daycare has been a real benefit both financially and for the kids. I think if it is possible (and makes everyone happy), it is an excellent lifestyle.
At least the message is delivered on a cake.
I know a Harrison (Harry) Beardmore.
Lots of the places where be traveled have American restaurants. They are a fascinating look into what people think is American. I love it
This is an outstanding idea.
I feel judged.
I see no problem with this pizza.
Is there a cropping is hard commity? This belongs there.
I’ve started a biz. Hit me up is you ever have questions - could be closer than you think.
Serious question: have you considered starting your own business? Maybe there is a way to shift some of that wealth back to you.
I wish there was a word for the utter fascination and adoration of the absurdity and eccentricities of your own culture. I would use it a lot.
You are exceptional at this game! Poo fighters 😂