There is milk in supermarkets enriched with Vitamin D. Good news for all vampires out their nd for their potential future victims
There is milk in supermarkets enriched with Vitamin D. Good news for all vampires out their nd for their potential future victims
I’d check because most browsers including mozilla firefox rely on google safe browsing.
The other thing to point out is that if an attacker somehow got root access, they could install a so called “rootkit” and what it does it replacing some of the basic commands like top, ps, … with altered ones in order to hide the malware activities
few years ago I was contacted by digital ocean because they got reports about myserver being involved in ssh attack or something like that. Turns out my old drupal website had unpatched vulnersbilities that allowed attacker to access my system and use it for attacking others.
am not saying that to defend your provider they should have at least give you a warning. I an saying that to check yiur server as it may have been compromised
How is that legal? Could u buy a dishwasher then 3 months later it starts asking for a small fee per wash?
I know these things happen but usually you are informed in advance and bought the product at a big discount
Detectportal I think is for knowing if your internet connection requires some sort of login. Like is that case in some hotels and airports
I use self hosted VPN for many years now.
You worry that facebook would associate that static ip with you but the problem is quiet the opposite.
most website will recognize that your IP belong to a hosting company so they often suspect that you are a bot. Wikipedia wont let u edit articls, youtube wont let u comment on videos. Other than that its fine, just expect to pass more captcha.
you could pay little extra and get dynamic IP from your provider. That effectivwly changes your IP. Deleting dynamic IP and recreating it gives u a new one. But I dont do that.
I just hide in the crowed by letting others uss my VPN and rely on service providers often dismissing my IP as bot
yes Syncthing should work just fine just make sure to only sync the save directory to minimize bandwidth. rsync is another common tool (at least for Linux) that does same job through command line. making it easier to automate the syncing tasks through bash scripts