How far down that chain do you want to go? A toolmaker who’s wears are used to build tanks? The US interstate system was originally a military project, are those construction workers complacent?
What if I have only ever worked constructively on anti-missile defense systems?
What/when is that image from?
Wait, did you post there, or did you get banned there, for this post HERE?
Sometimes people pay for murder.
When you’re blasted on LSD, THC, MDMA, and Benadryl, the fire alarm SLAPS!
They can live just fine, as long as attention is paid to them getting all the essential nutrients a growing cat needs, but like… Why would you?
I’m going to skip a LOT of the trope level arguments here. How about this:
Do you believe that lions in captivity (whatever your feelings about lions in captivity are), should be fed a vegan diet?
I agree with you, but/and you are making my point for me.
I really don’t think it’s hate, in the classic sense. I think most of it is sort of a hamarotic response that’s made possible by the fact that these forums show up in everybody’s feed, and given that vegans typically have negative views on the eating practices of the rest of the world, can be seen referring to those people as they do in private. As you seem to be insinuating, it feels-bad-man to have your lifestyle casually attacked, and nearly always elicits retaliation because humans.
I feel like a lot of it is a matter of terminology. For instance, using the word “omnivore” instead of “carnist”, or “Bovine Matchmaker”, instead of “Animal Rapist”.
No need. It’s got to be like 11" from teeth to uvula.
I used to be able to even, but I got too fat. Just keep practicing.
I dunno. Can we zoom out a little?
Did you even stop to consider the gay and transgender people in the audience before you posted this? I bet you’re not even a leftist are you?