Salmonella?!? But I’m not having fish!
Salmonella?!? But I’m not having fish!
Lol, ok.
Wheels and something to spin the chassis = get wrecked nerd (and also arena, nerd)
It’s so satisfying watching the spinner bots fucking launch a wedge bot across the arena.
Also when they fuck up and launch themselves across the arena accidentally.
It absolutely can. If you are accessing a server that is farther away, it has to traverse more distance on the wire and it takes more routers to pass the packets. The more hops you have, the more latency you have, especially if you get routed through a slower or overly congested link. All of that factors into the tcp window size, which can affect the transcode quality you receive.
See you can always do better. 100%? Why not extra credit to get a higher grade?!?!
And that better life may not include her, and she’ll have no idea why!
It’s not an A
*Billions of accounts. Hard to tell how many are real people and how many are just slop throwing bots.
Caveat emptor
I’ve not been upset with any of the Early Access games I’ve purchased, because I make sure to research the game before I buy. Just off the top of my head, factorio, satisfactory, and rimworld are all games that I purchased in early access and made it to full release and were worth a purchase well before release. Hell, even games like Dyson Sphere Program hasn’t been fully released and I’ve gotten more time out of that then multiple full games.
Thank you, this is the only measurement that makes any sense in any distance past like the moon before you get into longer units like parsecs or light years. Even though an AU is still only 150M km, it makes the math a lot easier for me to grok.
Don’t judge an entire group by the loud assholes they have within when the good ones have no reason to be loud.
Yeah, judge them by their (in)actions and how they treat others.
…huh, still not super great on the whole. One of the many reasons I left the church…
They just walked it in!
Why are people mad at Carl Winslow?
And guess who was one of the conspirator? Big daddy (Prescott) Bush.
Gods, in the span of 20 years we’ve gone from a president descended from an attempted fascist overthrow to watching the fascist overthrow happen through “legal” means.
Yes, hating on edge is just a meme. I use Firefox as my primary, but I’ll use edge as a backup before chrome.
Find a different behavior to replace it is the easiest in my experience. But not every apology worthy behavior has an alternative or replacement.
Dude, you completely misunderstood my statement and got agro because you didn’t read what I said and you weren’t worth composing a normal response. With this response, I have no intention of dealing with your garage attitude again, have a good day.