I only use Proton for Email and Calendar and self host everything else since I don’t trust myself to run an email server properly.
I only use Proton for Email and Calendar and self host everything else since I don’t trust myself to run an email server properly.
In the comments of the post, he says that 88 is the year he was born.
I believe they’re referring to microg. Never used ntfy so I’m not too sure.
Right now it’s really just setting up DNScrypt, and maybe swapping some equipment out for lower power consumption.
Congrats. I’ve moved away from using Google other than for school/work (I have no choice there). Although I still haven’t deleted my personal account yet.
After doing some more digging, I’ve found it’s apparently possible to use MD1200 controllers in place of the MD3600x FC controllers, which I have no intention of taking full advantage of the fiber part since I’m really only looking at doing a single host config.
Now it’s more a matter of making sure it actually will work, and the getting the proper HBA/SAS controller (I don’t really know the difference)
Edit: Links to what I believe I’m referring to
This. I never buy a Pixel new.
Did not know about this, but it’s exactly the extension I was looking for! Thank you!
+1 for UptimeKuma. Works great.
Hmmm. I’ve never seen a board with a TPM header.
…like Lemmy.
How did you do it? Looking to do this on my own site.
When I changed my domain name I set this to on and then wondered why I couldn’t log into the Nextcloud desktop app.
Can this be done without fail2ban?
How do we know anything that you’re providing is objective fact?
I think you might be preaching to the choir here.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
or a lot of pictures in the case of video.
Even if I’m from the US, could I mention the GDPR? Would it work?
Yes, perhaps even easier if you use a Chromium based browser with their WebUSB installer.