People who know math make math sound hard? Eehh, that does not seem to track. Math can become incredibly difficult, and even the cryptic terminologies are a way to alleviate the difficulty.
People who know math make math sound hard? Eehh, that does not seem to track. Math can become incredibly difficult, and even the cryptic terminologies are a way to alleviate the difficulty.
Yeah, every time when something goes down, it briefly rebounds and go deeper later.
Some of my critical apps depend on android/iOS, guess I am screwed
I have similar question: Why did Samsung bother with developing foldable phones? It isn’t selling as well as they thought, after all.
IIRC, for this kind of guarantee, you need a CCA(Chosen-ciphertext attack)-security. I dunno if this scheme satisfies such a security.
My gosh, what is with people’s reliance on single thing
At least it’s not going to be the overhyped LLM doing the analysis, it seems, considering the input is a photo data.
It might still be possible to compare ciphertexts and extract information from there, right? Welp I am not sure if the whole scheme is secure against related attacks.
I have an iPad, now I am scared… Should I do something about this?
I don’t have anything to do in elevator, so I do not care much about attention being ‘stolen’.
My apartment complex also has ads inside elevator. Is it that bad?
Curious, don’t most people dislike graphs? It may remind them of math.
EDIT: Why is this downvoted?