Ah yes, the classic Scunthorpe Problem
Sound technician from Spain. Late millenial. I like videogames. I use arch btw.
Trans rights are human rights
Ah yes, the classic Scunthorpe Problem
Beep beep
Beep beep
Beep boop
Pattern recognition goes brr
Didn’t expect a 13, Rue del Percebe reference in Lemmy of all places.
Isn’t your GPU an Nvidia RTX 2060? Why are you trying to use the Intel GPU acceleration method? I’m confused
It’s fake, there’s no way they managed to make that and balance it in 2 minutes.
So… If you grab it on the elevator and make the elevator go down, you effectively lift it?
I think criticizing people for what they do (eg: calling some politicians “murderers” because they allow genocide) is different than calling names just to hurt, which is what dead naming usually is.
I don’t think anyone should be okay with racism or that kind of attacks, even on people they hate. Kim Jong Un may be a piece of shit (or not), but calling him a racial slur is unproductive and definitely crossing the line.
Here, the deadnaming comes from ignorance, not hate; and it’s true that it might help clarify who someone is, but in this case everybody knows her for being the “leave Britney alone” person, not for her deadname. So it’s really unnecessary.
Is it acceptable? In 4chan maybe
Searxng! You can self-host it, but I just use a public instance, there are tons you can find out there. You can also install a firefox extension1 to be able to use it directly as your default search engine :)
1 you don’t need to download an extension, you can just go to a site, right click on the address bar and add it to firefox/librewolf as a custom search engine, as per these instructions.
Google is just a search engine, the sites you find with it may or may not be trustworthy.
…unless you use their AI crap, idk, I haven’t used Google for years.
The point is saying games are “not realistic enough” is unproductive criticism, like saying “just fix it”.
People like some realism in games. Look at how RDR2 was criticized for how tedious some things were. People liked the horse ball-jiggling physics realism, not the skinning or looting realism, because it slows the gameplay too much.
Still, there will be hardcore people that love realism to the point of controlling each individual joint like Toribash, but it becomes a battle of realism vs accessibility.
My point is that even “realistic” games have unrealistic stuff for the sake of being fun to play. Realism is an interesting design choice, but trying too hard can make the game dull.
The profit they get from a tv is a single sale. The way they want to make money nowadays is as passive income, that’s why they’re pushing all the subscription services everywhere. It’s a lot more money for them.
Think of it like this: a $500 tv can earn them $50 profit, but $5/quarter for the same tv means they get double that profit in 2 and a half years. And they’ll probably make triple or quadruple that, so they get 4 times as much money for the same tv sale.
I don’t see your point
Ah yes, Tarkov, where you die of inanition after 30 minutes without food and where jumping 2 meters breaks both your legs, which you can just fix in like 20 seconds with some splints. Very realistic.
Now multiply $5 by 1.75 billion…
That makes a lot of sense, thanks for doing the homework!
bash: Sudo: command not found