Telegram’s server side software is closed source, owned and ran by them exclusively so they really have no room to talk. WhatsApp doesn’t even have OSS clients so they’re even worse in that regard
Telegram’s server side software is closed source, owned and ran by them exclusively so they really have no room to talk. WhatsApp doesn’t even have OSS clients so they’re even worse in that regard
I think ejabberd or another other xmpp server would have been my first choice for a service like this by a long shot. If only we had some good iOS clients to go to. While I’m on android, most of the family and some of the friends use iOS, so it was kind of a non-starter from that alone.
Edit: log -> long
My long and mostly complete list:
These services are the result of years of development and administrating my lab and while there is still some cruft, it’s mostly services that I think have real utility.
As far as hardware:
Running pfsense on a toughbook laptop as a router-firewall.
A SuperMicro 24 bay disk-shelf with Proxmox and ZFS for NAS duties and a couple services.
Lenovo Tiny boxes with a Proxmox cluster for the majority of my local services.
Dell managed switch
A few Raspberry-pi’s with Raspbian for various things.
Linksys AP for wifi
Edit: Spelling is hard.
What is GSI? Google Sucks Initiative?
From the article:
Ah another DSA (Domain Specific Acronym). <- How hard is that?
Please for the love of god, authors, if you must use some obscure acronym to save yourself time, at least write it out the first time you use it. Instead of reading your article, I’m now skimming for what it means.