not sure about now but the original swede handling the issue in EU was openly corrupt. which is only a crime if you’re a social democrat or further left.
not sure about now but the original swede handling the issue in EU was openly corrupt. which is only a crime if you’re a social democrat or further left.
delta chat. solves this problem as it uses the email protocol with pgp (when available), so from your end it’s a chat client and from their end it’s an email from you.
if they find it too annoying to reply by email they could just install the delta chat “email client”, too ;)
i’ve heard defenestration only happens in russia.
in my opinion facebook and microsoft are worse because you can’t optionally avoid them. no matter what you do, you’re still paying for microsoft products through your taxes with money that should go into domestic development. facebook is so insideous that in some countries it is the de-facto internet (because it’s free to use without a paid internet plan/subscription); all hobby communities that i’m aware of now exclusively live on facebook, and forget your grandma having any other means of contact than through facebook messenger and certain companies and services offer facebook messenger only live support. and as a business owner? you don’t have a choice on the matter, facebook (and google) is the only means to advertise nowadays that have actual measurable results on the campaign budget.
twitter? unless you’re a creative or a connoisseur of creatives, it actually has a lot less relevance than the current drama suggests, otherwise the big alternative platforms wouldn’t have actual relevance and upwards mobility, which they currently do.
how dare you suggest a cure instead of a bandaid?!
modern as in stable, good UX, plug-and-play, and supporting features a modern chat client is expected to have with zero hassle.
the stuff needed to convince your mom to install it.
In July 2019 Wire raised $8.2m investment from Morpheus Ventures and others. On July 18 of the same month, 100% of the company’s shares have been taken over by Wire Holdings Inc., Delaware, USA.
Should be noted that their canary was removed at the same time.
XMPP would be viable in theory but for whatever reason no one wants to build a modern client out of it.
there’s deltachat for gpg - i love the concept, since your friends don’t even need to have it installed in order for you to chat with them.
but i am forever stuck with telegram because i refuse to install software running on set-my-computer-on-fire-pls-Electron (which every single MODERN chat application does today, bar Telegram).
wire sold out years ago.
this wasn’t a problem with cashless infrastructure tho, this was a problem with monoculture. if the globe stopped using microsoft for gov and business, and instead threw their tax money towards open development; as in - the people, not microsoft, these kind of global issues wouldn’t exist.
sounds like they rather spend that RND on pocket lining over contributing to software dev.
The law must apply to all, including public servants. As they are beholden to the public, they are subject to review and FOIA requests are automatically granted for the content.
Now I’m suddenly not so against this law. Journalists paradise. They’ll have a field day!
fbi want direct access to encrypted data while simultaneously also all data to be encrypted in order to be protected from china?
do explain how this is all going to work because it’s extremely confusing.