I was being sarcastic. If a shortcut requires 5 buttons, it’s it really a shortcut? Press Win to open search and type link will probably also do the same thing
I was being sarcastic. If a shortcut requires 5 buttons, it’s it really a shortcut? Press Win to open search and type link will probably also do the same thing
Thanks, Captain Obvious. No need to post such common shortcuts like this
You’re right, we should start putting ads on all monitors
Wdym? It stopped it from dropping further
Sounds like when the guy knocked on the door she could’ve just shouted “we don’t want any” and he would’ve left
Magic can accomplish all of this, so I choose that
I don’t think doing tricks is what people have in mind when they say they want to train their pet
Why would a kid today care about a game featuring characters he knows nothing about?
Guarantee that was the reporter’s kid
Sugar in many products such as yogurt is not very useful and just added for flavor. In pasta sauce though, the sugar is added in order to cut the acidity. No one buys pasta sauce for its sweetness.
In the title, not the image. So confusing
Is this post from the future? Windows 10 still has support for another year.
Put piranha in toilet, profit
Don’t slouch, go walk around
Did you walk the whole time?
You’re not missing anything
Then why does my map have a big blob on it that says EUROPE??? Checkmate. King me.
Your example introduces the axis of time which is not in consideration when discussing infinity. You’re literally removing infinity from the equation by doing that because “at any given point” by definition is not infinity. Let’s say that point is 1 million bills down the line. Now you’re comparing 1,000,000 x 100 vs 1,000,000 x 1, nothing to do with infinity
I rented a web server with FTP in college, with my own domain that used my real name. I used it to transfer files to and from school computers. My classmates would sometimes forget their USB drives and think they just wasted a whole 3 hour lab session, and I would just quickly create some credentials for them and let them use my server. Everyone thought I was a god lol. These days, services like Google Drive have replaced the need for that (mostly), and everyone just takes it for granted. I think it’s funny that people are starting to see value in FTP again now that services like Google Drive and Discord are restricting the ability to use them for free hosting to post files onto external sites.
Must have done it wrong then?