Great suggestion! Gonna try this on the bus on my way to work later.
Great suggestion! Gonna try this on the bus on my way to work later.
I’m talking consistent effort over years or decades though. Thinking about how your bones are constantly renewing themselves and you have a completely new set every 5-10 years is the kind of consistency I mean. Of course this would be hindered by injury or over use before can adaptations occur. You need to give yourself recovery time no matter the fitness routine or athletic level.
Your body adapts to the stresses you put on it, folks.
Ah right. I see. This is why I think we need to couple this with something like the economy for the common good as an alternative to measuring growth of an economy by GDP.
Cooperatives have different structures to help mitigate class conflicts, but either way the model essentially, or practically, has a baked in, or something akin to a, union by giving members voting rights while not outright excluding the presence of a union.
I don’t disagree with having a goal of full socialism. I just see cooperatives as a practical stepping stone in that direction.
A big part of communism is about who owns the means of production. One way to alter this aspect of society is through cooperative economics. A state-less form of socialism (edit: democratically controlled) that’s already proven effective in small pockets of our own country (assuming US here) and around the world. One common example is Mondragon in Spain, a cooperative business and the seventh largest company in the country, that has proven its even possible for the cooperative model to reach levels of scale capable of competing in a private capitalist world.
I can read docs and would be interested in an internship… Paid ideally, but would love to have a mentor to learn devops. I also know multiple programming languages and am comfortable in a terminal