Run it in a terminal and pipe the output to a text file.
~/> ardour > output.log
Something like above. That will give you the text output up to the crash and hopefully have useful information like an error code or fault warning.
Run it in a terminal and pipe the output to a text file.
~/> ardour > output.log
Something like above. That will give you the text output up to the crash and hopefully have useful information like an error code or fault warning.
What do you do with a faulty RAID drive? Early in the morning!
No worries, have a good one!
OK, so watches come with a few different standards for the pin length, the gap between the two metal rings that watch pins pop in to. The pine time seems to use 20mm bands, so searching for those on your internet purchase place of choice is the next step.
The documentation links to a couple of options in the link above, but any of the bands for a galaxy watch which are 20mm will do just as well. All you need is to make sure the pins are for a 20mm watch and the rest works itself out. Good luck!
I don’t know about videos but having a look at the OSI model is a good way to start. It covers the abstract framework for packetizing data including things like the distinction between hardware and software, envelope, encryption, application layer stuff, the whole shebang. The cool thing is by going hardware, network, application you can see where responsibility are and it helps you understand where things can go wrong.
If you are interested there are plenty of CCNA style courses available on the internet, licit and otherwise, and they go into more depth, and the same applies to RHCE/RHCSA material. The training for certifications like that covers what you want to know but also puts it in context, and again licit and otherwise sources are available.
I work in disability support. I leave the house, drive to my client, then don my mask and wear it until I leave the client and get back into my car. If I have a client all day I can just wear the mask all day, eating before and after my shift. I have not gotten a cold, flu, or other disease for the last 4 years and I have worked with people who actively have covid, influenza, RSV, and other illnesses.
My mask is a pm 1.0, so a little better than pm 2.5 which is what n95 is, and it works very well. Honestly I can’t see me changing my behaviour around masking ever. I don’t get sick, I don’t carry illness to vulnerable clients, and I don’t have to change my behaviour day to day so habit is solid and easy to maintain.
While it didn’t help my endocarditis last year it has definitely protected against covid and even now I have not gotten it once. I think it is a good deal overall.
Yes, the output is continuous as it runs and if it crashes it just stops putting out data. The cool thing is you can capture the error codes and back end details so you can often gain an insight to what is failing and why. It may have something like a device not being ready or a library failing to load, but because the range of possible errors is so large the developers may not have a GUI way of showing them. I would recommend taking each of the last few lines one at a time and searching them in your favourite search engine with ardour at the front, like “ardour ERR: glibc not found” or something like that. If someone has the same issue they may have found a solution that works for you.