You’re right. Most of the issues with guns aren’t with someone who keeps one to protect themselves from a wild animal, it’s those who keep them to… those who have semi automatics and live in suburbia and fetishish the idea of someone?? breaking into their home so they can use their big, fancy, killing weapon??
Like… They have a perceived threat that’s never going to happen and yet they keep this murder tool under the guise of protection when it’s really just something they think is cool, but is also something that is more likely going to be fatal to themselves and their family than to an intruder.
I was with you up until the “I would still get one for safely” part. We must clearly live in different kinds of areas, I’ve never felt the need to own one for any reason.
This reminds me of when I sent someone a program in a zip folder. Windows now opens zip folders by default, and it looks just like any other folder.
So of course they opened the zip and double clicked the exe, but everyone knows you can’t open an exe inside a zip folder (at least, if the exe depends on the folders and files around it). If you try to, windows will extract the exe into a temp space, but leave all the dependencies behind. So the exe promptly crashes.
I didn’t think I needed to specify “you need to extract the contents of the zip folder first, then run the exe.” It feels like saying “you need to take the blender out of the box before you can use it. And not just the _base _ of the blender, you have to take out all the parts.”
Some things just feel so much like second nature that we forget.
I really like my electric leaf blower. It’s a lot of fun to just turn it on and watch all the leaves and dirt fly off the sidewalk so effortlessly. You just squeeze the trigger and it blows, you don’t need to pull a string or prime it or anything.
I enjoy it so much that the path to the front door is always clear, despite being under a tree that constantly drops leaves.
But leaf blowers don’t kill, and I don’t have vinyl stickers on my car bragging about my leaf blower. Or shirts stating it’s my legal right to own a leaf blower. It’s just a tool that I enjoy using.