this show fills me with irrational rage i don’t know why
i can’t hear this
can’t you already do that? by clicking on the “new chat button” and pasting the phone number i can start the chat without adding to contacts; at least on whatsapp business that works
Get a cheap computer and connect the tv to it; get a mouse and bluetooth keyboard or an air mouse if your want to; install kodi perhaps, or just have your bare desktop. Problem solved
Disconnect the tv to wifi too.
Bird, HAHAHA; As if there was such a thing as a bird, tell me, mr. shoulder, have you ever seen a “bird” and a man in the same space at the same time? Of course not, what you have seen are a men and a cock
There is not such thing as a bird, there are only men and cocks, and i am certain i am not a cock. You know why mr. shoulder? Have you seen any of those so called birds saying what they are? AS MEN DO? You know what that means? It means these so called birds are not men; But have you seen cock saying they are cocks? AS BIRDS DO? no, it must only mean they are cocks.
Don’t you ever dare come to me again mentioning those pesky “birds” of yours, because i know they are not real, they are cocks.