I don’t know this host but hosts that will spin up single services like this for you are fairly common. Tons of people use them for Mastodon hosting.
I’d consider just using cloud hosting or getting a VPS though, with which you’ll be able to do much more.
I can’t; I’m out of the loop with VPS providers. I think if I needed one nowadays I’d look at small providers located near me.
I was using Linode for my many web apps and self-hosting projects until fairly recently, but when Akamai rebranded them and raised prices I moved to a Hetzner dedicated host, which worked out cheaper with my workloads. I run everything in LXC containers, all of which join my Tailscale/Headscale tailnet, and all of which get backed up to both my local NAS and to rsync.net (using rclone’s crypt module).