• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 28th, 2023


  • I remember a while back, years before this surfaced, there was a thread on /g/ with a group photo of Balena’s employees and a caption like “why does it take so many people to develop an electron wrapper around dd”. Obviously it was low effort engagement bait (balena does much more than etcher), but the comments were full of people calling the company a glowie honeypot and the like. Moral of the story: Trust the schizos, they sense spyware form lightyears away.

  • renzev@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldDLSS
    1 month ago

    Now I’m curious, how hard would it be to write a lemmy bot that mimics Stinky’s behavior just to troll people lol. Ask generic questions like “I don’t understand, could someone explain please?” on random posts and then reply with k to any answer with over 4 lines of text. Like a simpler but much more infuriating version of that Tobllort account from the other site.

  • This sums up my experience as well. It’s never been healthy, but at least it used to be cheap and tasty. But nowadays mcdonalds is so expensive I almost consider it a luxury, and the plastic-looking sauces and mystery meat are in no way appetizing (tho that might just be me getting older and changing preferences as opposed to the actual food getting worse)

  • But being too rigid with letting stupid opinions of a project’s founder cause you to reject everything, would have you miss the big-picture benefits of having such a project exist

    That’s the truth. The reason online “communities” constantly argue and never get anything done is because everyone is focused on not doing the wrong things that they forget about doing the right things. A while ago I saw a post making fun of some chuds who compiled a list of “woke” video games that they wanted to boycott. The people in this thread deciding to leave proton because its ceo said something positive about trump once don’t strike me as much different.

  • renzev@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldBread is love, bread is life
    2 months ago

    What is there to be confused about? They can speak english correctly, but they simply refuse doing so due to a lack of respect for the language. Almost every professor at my uni is also like this: they have the skills to follow grammatical rules, but they don’t owe it to anyone to actually do it. This is normal.

  • How is ceph working out for you btw? I’m looking into distributed storage solutions rn. My usecase is to have a single unified filesystem/index, but to store the contents of the files on different machines, possibly with redundancy. In particular, I want to be able to upload some files to the cluster and be able to see them (the directory structure and filenames) even when the underlying machine storing their content goes offline. Is that a valid usecase for ceph?

  • renzev@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldMeme.
    3 months ago

    “Well known” is so patronizing. It’s like OP is saying “yeah, everyone knows about this, what are you, some kind of loser?”. Another one of those phrases that immediately discredits whatever allegation is to follow.

  • renzev@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldMeme.
    3 months ago

    They want a revolution and it’s acceptable if people have to die to achieve it.

    Yeah that’s how revolutions work. Because the alternative, at least in theory, is more people dying of poverty, environmental pollution, institutionalized oppression, and other consequences of the current global economic system.

  • From what I understand, they’re already getting paid pennies by youtube, which is why many of them constantly shill for patreon/nebula/curiositystream/whatever on top of sponsored content. So youtube is shit for the creators, shit for the consumers, and a net loss for google. It’s the same non-business model as food delivery apps: nobody profits, yet it still somehow keeps going because modern economics is make-believe.

  • Just some time ago, I was thinking about some P2P Video service, where everyone would provide the data they have - so like a BitTorrent YouTube

    It’s called PeerTube. It uses activitypub, the same federation protocol as lemmy. Large creators could certainly afford to host their own videos. Some federation/self-hosting/free software creators already do. Can we have large free-to-use instances where individuals can upload their videos, like we do with Lemmy? I would like to hope so.

    But just standing up and copying all of youtube’s content? Like I said, it’s a MONUMENTAL task. There are around 14e9 videos on there. That’s almost two videos for every person on planet earth. And I’m not even sure how useful mirroring would be. It’s important for archival purposes, sure, but it’s not forward-thinking. For a lot of pieces of content, the value comes mainly from the community surrounding it, not the content itself. Mirroring cuts the community out of the content. I believe that If archiving/mirroring efforts are to succeed at anything beyond occupying disk space, they must be focused on a specific type of content, and headed by people who are genuinely passionate about the content they are archiving, not disintrested data hoarders.

  • It would be a tragedy if youtube collapsed. There are so many useful and important videos on there. I passed the second year of my engineering bachelor almost exclusively by studying from youtube (the lectures at my college are useless), the vast breadth of content available on that platform simply does not exist anywhere else, and archiving all of it would be a monumental task. With youtube being a net loss for google for multiple years in a row, it’s not outside the realm of possibility that if they can’t make it profitable, they might just… shut it down like they did with Plus.