Best part is it’s $5000 because they get to name their price. These sensors, headlights, etc, cost nowhere near that, but where else are you gonna go get em?
So in a few years when your new car has depreciated to somewhere around 10k and you get a massive repair bill? Well most people are scrapping it and getting another car, convenient for them…
Proton with a domain you control and use their Simplelogin which you can self host down the line should there be a rug-pull event. I think you need to manually export this so make it a habit as you add them!
You can put your eggs in one basket, just make sure you have a plan B if the basket catches on fire, using their domain in my eyes you’re going down with the ship, if you control it you’re just repointing records to a new host and getting simplelogin going.
This is part of the reason I like to keep ALL of my emails on disk still as well, if you can’t decrypt your mailbox for some reason they’re about as good as gone.