yup, been doing this ever since it was availabe on orbot. easy to do and helpful to the Tor network users. please consider doing it yourself. thank you, OP!
…just this guy, you know.
yup, been doing this ever since it was availabe on orbot. easy to do and helpful to the Tor network users. please consider doing it yourself. thank you, OP!
I hate to +1 but yeah, this. get familiar with Tor. learn what it can do and when to use it. play around with hosting .onion sites to distribute information safely. use orbot on your phone similarly.
some distributed messaging apps like briar use Tor as their internet transport mechanism, so… why not go all in and really learn to use Tor for real. now. while is easier to do so.
holy shit! the FBI is communist?! cool, cool.
I imagine, sometimes, its the only way to cope with them. some people get paranoid, some do not. setting and grounding play important roles in this.
you (yes, you in particular) are the reason why STP was invented.
I would normally suggest that this is more “networking porn”, but its just way too fetishistic for regular consumption. you animal!
there are reasons for that.
thanks for the update!
yeah, the abiogenesis idea has been around since the 1950s-ish, I think. it comes and goes, but never seems to get fully debunked. current tepid consensus seems to be that its a plausible earth geo-process, but likely only a very, very minor contributor on this world.
really apprreciate the interaction. :-)
so, quite literally there were non trivial stores of energy dense hydrocarbons available almost immediately after the permian? thats pretty wild.
any real evidence for large amounts of abiogenic oil, or is this still on the weird end of strange?
ever get the feeling that devil’s blood really is the final “fuck you, mammals!” from the dinosaurs?
what next level fuckery is this?! the text was perfectly spaced to elicit maximum mental “pop” when transitioning between foreground->background->foreground.
my squinty eyes are now upon you.
but, seriously. very cool.
a trap at every turn.
couldnt read the whole article, but I would say, this is an “oh, fuck.” moment for a lot of people
The FBI tries and cannot unlock a recent phone. they allegedly turn to a private company for emergency access and they are in within hours(?)
I think many people should reevaluate their threat model and mitigations after this. perhaps this changes nothing for you. perhaps it changes everything for you.
We don’t have any evidence for this statement, and we can never prove the negative (that a device is absolutely secure).
does anyone have info on crooks’s phone make/model (and an OS version guess)? I have not seen this anywhere and, if it is not already in the public domain, why?
FBI says they got the phone contents in the clear. that gives some boundsfor both known (easy) potential compromises and “oh, fuck.”
edit: typo
edit 2: still no detail but I found this…
The phone was a relatively new model, which can be harder for law enforcement to access than old phones because of newer software, according to technology experts. In many federal investigations, it can take hours, weeks or months to open a suspect’s phone.
unless this information is now a state secret, we may learn more.
I know this may be pedantic, but
it’s just that the newer phones are secure… For now.
that statement suggests that other recovery techniques (e.g. hardware decaping, state zero-days, etc), dont already make absolutely current devices insecure.
it would not surprise me that a TLA with physical access could not recover enclave information and completely expose naked storage in 2 days or less - its just a matter of how urgent is. a former president nearly loosing their head might count as pretty damn urgent. meddle with the us power structure and it will protect itself - if not the particular individuals.
if you noticed any power dips in your area right after the attempt on trump, that was probably the local NSA cluster firing up.
there was a mental word search, glitch in the matrix moment right at that point - read into that what you will, cuz these days all options are valid.
“insinuate” is absolutely the very best word, but publicly one has to walk the fine line between complicity and hair-on-fire alarm, and so “initiate” came out of her mouth.
for the record, I think we are past the face-melting stage.
from the video…
I think we need to be very cautious with the AI narrative where we are being lead to confuse mass surveillance with intelligence and by doing so initiate these corporate technologies into the core of our social and governmental institutions.
so voice typing, huh? not really sure it matters at this point. I use an open source keyboard, but my inputs go right into the OS of the worlds largest spy organization.
on the other hand… this is a great opportunity to hone your handwriting and memory skills.
depending on specs it will be a little power hungry, but a good virtualization platform.
yes, the power supplies are likely redundant and the server will complain if they are not both powered.
it will use a VGA connection, but you should be ale to find cheap VGA monitors or cheap adapters.
RAID controllerfor those drives? how many processors and cores? how much RAM? what OS are you planning on running on it? iDRAC included? (if so, likely idrac6, but still usable)
this hardware is very well supported by linux - I have used these older servers extensively. your boss was right to be excited for you. its a great exploration platform that you will be able to do lots of things with.
fire up a live linux distro and get detailed specs on the box - that will guide what you can play with right away.