Yeah I remember the early seasons where the spinning robot which was basically a garbage compactor motor on wheels or smth absolutely shredding the competition
Yeah I remember the early seasons where the spinning robot which was basically a garbage compactor motor on wheels or smth absolutely shredding the competition
oh of course now it makes perfect sense
Reddit of sides two the
Idk still not getting it
A baked potato skin and some super glue and you can trick your dinner guests real easy
Yep, heterosexual sex between a man and a women is gay as fuck, she’s literally fucking a dude which is the gayest thing you can do.
Only if you don’t keep working at your partnership and are just there for the comfort of not being cosmically alone, sure.
Hummingbirds are omnivorous after all.
Providing my weekend LAN party with the Warcraft 3 beta was the highlight of my early nerd career
It was originally a can of whoopass
So. That’s what chemical x is.
As gross as pandering to the community is/was I’d take that over the “back in the closet”
The person you’re talking to is deliberately not going to agree with anything you’re saying, fyi.
“Fear is the pie killer. Fear crumbles the crust, withers the rise, and spoils the yeast. I will let the fear knead through me. And when it has passed, I will turn the loaf to see its path. Where the fear has gone, the bread will grow. Only the loaf will remain.”
I tell Ms. bunnys that the reason I can’t bake is because I’m such a good cook and the reason she can’t cook is because she’s such a good baker.
My mom used to cut our honey nut tasteeos with regular tasteeos.
Like a 3 parts regular to 1 party honey nut cut.
The bits to make the light be shown by the cpu/gpu use the magic zip zap tho
If you’re actually being serious as opposed to trolling, up to about 88 degrees a fan is capable of cooling the human body sufficiently where lowering air temperature isn’t necessary.
Assuming it’s not too humid that is
I have a coworker who had his hair go silver / white while we were in our 20s.
He can grow a beard fast as fuck.
He is only 30 something now but if he doesn’t shave for a week he looks like someone’s drunk grandpa, it’s hilarious how old he looks until you get up close.
He does however walk like a young man, and he’s really fit (I think in an effort to not look like grandpa)
Ooooh can I join and can we wear roller skates?
It’s actually widoutershins