It even has an integrated UPS.
It even has an integrated UPS.
Not just the police. The “ticket inspectors” in commuter trains here are dressed like they are combating urban warfare and are blocking all the exits of a station and funnel people into a choke point until you show them a valid ticket.
Apparently they need a bulletproof vest to check train tickets here.
This reminds me of the bullies that were blocking halls in school until you gave them money.
Maybe it’s the logical progression for them.
Well, yeah. Hehe. The first image with a plow in the snow is very normal where I live. And there are millions living with this. It doesn’t convey the meaning of snow where it doesn’t normally snow, or bigger snowstorms when they happen, to people living where it snows regularly for a big chunk of the year, but I understand the spirit of the whole anyway.
As long as the tech or the software doesn’t become obsolete, or the company doesn’t go bankrupt.
You know about the blind people that were able to see for a while but the company making their implants went bankrupt, leaving them blind once more, as their their implants will eventually all stop working?
Yet in 2020, Byland had to find out secondhand that the company had abandoned the technology and was on the verge of going bankrupt. While his two-implant system is still working, he doesn’t know how long that will be the case. “As long as nothing goes wrong, I’m fine,” he says. “But if something does go wrong with it, well, I’m screwed. Because there’s no way of getting it fixed.”
It’s obviously understandable to want to try something, anything, to help with a disability, but relying on private for profit companies for experimental medical devices is far from ideal.
Addendum: Also, disabled people are unfortunately often used as an excuse to push agendas. “We can’t have a bike lane there! Think about handicapped people using their car!” Or like "Tesla’s FSD will help disabled people get around No need to fund dirty dangerous public transit!! " Or again “Neuralink is going to help disabled people so they must have good intentions and obviously not plan on selling these to the general public eventuality. It’s purely for the embiggening of society!”
FSD is soooo full self driving that blind people can’t use it as it requires constant babysitting, and more importantly, a driver’s license and thr ability to drive a car… for a car that’s supposed to drive itself.
Anything coming from Musk is obviously a scam. He’s a con artist. He will say anything to convince people. He keeps promising his shit is always just on the verge of revolution but it’s mainly just empty words for hype.
Helping the disabled is probably just an afterthought for Neuralink. People are so desperate, they will try anything, and Neuralink will be the creep profiting off them.
Meanwhile I’ve always been the one that takes the smallest possible meal at McDonald’s, and would think that 5 nuggets with fries and drinks is just enough. In fact I hate going to restaurants in general because portions are always much too big for me. I can’t usually take doggy bags, and I feel like I’m wasting most of what I’m served. I can’t recall even finishing a plate in a (real) restaurant; there’s always too much. I’m always like “oh it was really tasty but I can’t eat much more!”
In Québec there is a moving company that has been using the same jingle and phone number for decades. Ir’s really catchy and sticks in your head.
Le clan Panneton, pour déménager, faut composer le 937-0707.
The ad from 1997:
The ad from 2018:
Ask anyone in QC what’s the Clan Panneton’s number and they will start signing it.
This looks more like paranoia than tips about privacy. Everyone has a fucking giant TV inside their home. Everyone has hobbies.
Unless you are actively targeted by some psycho… or the police. This just makes everyone thinks everyone else around them is out to rob and steal from them. But being from the US and from the police, it’s not very surprising. You also need a gun to protect yourself and your family from potential home invaders, you never know because the country is full of robbers and violent people! Don’t trust anyone! Just get your kids from school in your giant bulletproof SUV and drive straight to your McMansion where you can barricade yourself with all your precious stuff. In fact you should also take care to hide your McMansion behind a fake facade of poor people’s houses to avoid having less fortunate people target it as a potential place to rob.
Every poor person is plotting to rob you! So if you show clues and get robbed, it’s gonna be your fault and the police will let you know you were stupid for putting a dirt bike sticker on your expensive SUV.
Anyway, this is all just ridiculous in the first place. If someone wants to know you’re not home and steal crap from you, stickers or not, you’re already sitting in your fucking car, while not being home. It’s already a pretty big clue. Otherwise, are home invaders that diligent in the first place? Are they going to stalk people before robbing their home? Really, the stickers on my expensive SUV parked in front of my big house and the big garage is indicating that there might be expensive crap in my house and in my garage? I’m shocked to see how revealing those stickers can be!
In fact, this being from the police just shows how much they profile and judge the shit out of people before even speaking to them.