Only if you’re currently running stock android.
Man Lemmy is so much better than Reddit.
Only if you’re currently running stock android.
NeoBackup is the only one I’ve run across that seems to really fill the role of backup and restore thoroughly. The trouble is, in order to work it needs root, so I’ve nw er actually been able to try it. Almost reason enough to root in my book 😅, I love a good back up system.
Seedvault is another fairly well developed option, but it needs to be hardcoded in to the OS by the ROM developer.
You’ll probably ly benefit from a series of different backup apps in combination. Here’s a few that I’ve used and benefitted from:
SMS import/export - backs up all SMS, MMS call logs and contacts. Does not backup RCS.
Applist backup - back up your installed app list. This includes data on where you installed the app from and where you can get it again along with other useful info. The apps still have to manually installed.
Aside from those two, most FOSS apps include a backup and restore function, such as: signal, neo launcher, fossify calendar, newpipe, metro (music player), aegis (2 factor), obtainium, etc…
I hope this helps. I tend to tinker and install various ROMs, so am well aquainted with the pain of setting up a fresh OS without a system wide backup program. Its not as bad as it seems though, and as long as you get your messages, contacts and call logs moved over it goes pretty smooth.
This interview with the developer of MicroG might be interesting if you’d like to learn more about it’s benefits (or downsides) over sandboxed Google Play services. It debunks a lot of misconceptions or rumours about MicroG.
MicroG collects very little information about the user. It does less data collection than sandboxed Google Play despite it being a system app. MicroG is a more transparent, community driven piece of software that distances people from Google to a greater degree in my estimation, though I don’t have developer level understanding of the software. Just basing my thoughts on interviews and published information like the video above.
Personally I prefer the privacy/open source oriented approach of MicroG, but I also run GrapheneOS so haven’t been able to use it for a few years.
I think saying it’s just as bad is an overstatement. MicroG sends fake data or no data in the majority of data calls from Google servers and only interacts with Google when it needs to in order to make a given app function. Sending drastically less data to Google is a win and fits many people’s threat model just fine.
I’ve never used Shazam but did use the music recognition app on pixels when I was the stock ROM. Audile seems that it gets about 80% of what the Google app would get. I’d imagine that would change depending on the kind of music you’re often trying to identify though, Audile is probably working with a smaller database of some genres.
I can’t totally remember when I found these, but they’re relatively fresh on my phone. Couldn’t live without them now.
Development is pretty rapid too. I didn’t track the features on the updates, but new versions were getting pushed regularly. No mobile app which was kind of a bummer, but the progressive web app integration was pretty good. It felt like a mobile app.
Edit: I forgot to mention the note sharing function, it shares a URL of the note that allows the recipient to view and edit the note through the URL. It was a little janky when compared with sharing a note between two users using themselves app, but it still worked pretty decently.
You might like Blinko. It seems similar to Keep to me. I set it up for awhile, but it didn’t give me anything beyond what I already have with Joplin, so couldn’t justify keeping it or transitioning to it. Here’s a video from DB Tech on the set up process: Self-host Blinko with docker
Awesome, thanks. I’m going to give it a try. It seems like the best FOSS find my device type service available by far.
I’ve been wanting to spin this up myself, but the fact that the Dev says his example docker-compose.yml is incomplete has stopped me in the past. Did you have to add anything to get it functional?
Not the OP, but I believe they’re talking about the upgrade from 128 bit AES to 256 bit AES. It created some compatibility issues between clients for a few days as the ones that weren’t updated yet couldn’t decrypt the newer 256 AES encrypted notes. That was my experience anyways. It’s a great app/server from my personal experience.
Not the OP, but there was a time about a year ago (can’t remember if it was pre- or post- Daniel leaving the team lead role) where graphene was very vocal about how they felt that the Google play store security model was superior to that of F-Droid and Aurora. They poured massive amounts of development in to making it possible to use the play store directly in the OS through the sandboxed plag services. They expressed very clearly that they felt the only safe places to get apps was either directly from the developer or through the play store.
Graphene hasn’t been as vocal about this kind of stuff since Daniel stepped out of the limelight, and I did a quick search for the old twitter posts that covered the topic but couldn’t connect to them on twitter. That could just be because I don’t have a Twitter account and Elon is jacking up Twitter access these days.
I’ve been using GrapheneOS for about a year and I’ve never seen F-Droid bundled in their installer or app store. They’ve been vocally against F-Droid for quite some time. Other more FOSS focused projects bundle F-Droid.
Is user data stored on air-gapped computers? I’d be very surprised if it was. Offline doesn’t necessarily mean innaccessible, and in fact user data must be accessible as a database on the company’s intranet in some way in order to perform the search and removal efforts. Plus there’s the (albeit small) possibility of rogue employees deciding to do something nefarious with their personal access to that info.
Trusted to do their job? Personally, I think so, and would go as far as to say the main contenders are not doing anything fishy with your data.
I think the trouble comes in with the fact that they become a high-value target to hackers because of how much information they have on their customers. I’m sure that they take a lot of technical precautions to safeguard user data, but for me personally, the risk is not worth the value proposition.
Certainly not, as a resource they are invaluable. Just a few trends that I personally take in to account when it comes to their leadership. Kind of like recognizing a news outlet has a slight political leaning.
Yeah there was drama between the current team and the original founder of
Long story short, they disagreed on how to manage the site and had differences regarding ownership of contributed content, so the bulk of the team started up their own site in an effort to separate from the founder. Probably good given the monetization efforts the founder was starting to incorporate in the site (and is currently doing last i checked).
It does seem wrong to me that they archived the reddit though, I can only take that as them wnting to drive traffic to their new site and subreddit. They should have let their work stand on its own merits.
I’m unaware of any specific failings as well, but I think there can be some issue with the very specific set of priorities that shape their recommendations. It was one of their main admins that corresponded for Techlore at the Synology conference in the video mentioned by the OP, promoting closed source software. That’s all based on your values though, as closed source software can still be privacy respecting. All in all they are a good resource, but it seems like they, along with Techlore, have shifted focus to convenience and centralization instead of more rigorous compartmentalization and FOSS.
Sadly it doesn’t 🥲. Copying app data is the hardest part of the process without a system level backup like seedvault, neobackup or traditional google backup services.