6 months agoTelegram’s “privacy” is fully based on people trusting them not to share their data - to which Telegram has full access - with anyone. Well, apart from the optional E2EE “secret chat” option with non-standard encryption methods that can only be used for one on one conversations. If it were an actual privacy app, like Signal, they could’ve cooperated with authorities without giving away chat contents and nobody would’ve been arrested. I’m a Telegram user myself and I from a usability standpoint I really like it, but let’s be realistic here: for data safety I would pick another option.
I’ve been using it for the past 4 years and it has been rock solid for me. I use the oisd list with some of the overlapping security lists disabled and it just works. I never get complaints from family members either. It’s enabled on my home network, iOS/MacOS/Linux devices and in Tailscale.