Is there an actual joke, or is this just engagement bait?
Thomas and the Magic Railroad. (2000) So bad it led to the franchise getting bought by SHiT HiT Entertainment. Less said about the show after that the better. Still, the OST is a bop, and Neil Crone was entertaining as hell to watch as Diesel 10.
I deseperately need to know Doom Guy’s views on Romanticism.
He’s here to fuck and he’s not leaving.
I absolutely love OOP’s summary. One of the best posts in internet history.
Don’t you just hate it when the cashier thinks you’re getting ready to board Mr. Bones’ Wild Ride?
It’s a good rule of thumb for media, but I don’t care for it’s use as a justification for constantly spamming low effort political memes like on r/adviceanimals. Winding yourself up about things you can’t control doesn’t make the world better, it just fucks up your mental health. There are no shortage of political communities to use on this site.
That makes a lot more sense to a 'Murican like me coming from imperial.
People started arguing about whether cats can eat vegan, mods on c!vegan got involved, then an admin got involved. People’s personal feelings about veganism overtook any actual discussion about when it is or isn’t inappropriate for Admins/mods to step in, hence the pinned post on the front page.
Imagine the disaster we could’ve averted if they hadn’t shot Harambe.
You forced my hand