What revolutionary culture? I’ve never seen any evidence that inspired revolutionary culture. Some cringe culture absolutely, but actual revolutionary culture? Nonsense.
What revolutionary culture? I’ve never seen any evidence that inspired revolutionary culture. Some cringe culture absolutely, but actual revolutionary culture? Nonsense.
I mean those personal stores on Reddit are all made up
I mean he is here publicly supporting Trump so…
Maybe you shouldn’t be doing that. Maybe your birthday is not so special that you should use it when it’s a well and widely known symbol of Nazism. Frankly it’s a little hard for me to buy these days.
You say it doesn’t match that other users opinion, but doesn’t it not match the vast majority of proton users opinions? Authoritarians aren’t usually big on personal privacy. So praising one when you run a company based upon privacy is a dumb idea. It would be like running a vegan food company and praising people who like Slaughter cattle. It’s a stupid fucking mindset. Which says a lot of things to me about his capacity as a CEO frankly. If he’s this dumb why should people trust them to run a business they frequent?
Eurasia and Oceania sure, quibble all you like that makes sense to me. But combining the Americas and pushing Africa in with Asia makes no sense to me.
Right? Continent or not has nothing to do with it.
Calling out someone who promotes endorses and Embraces racism pedophilia Nazism and jingoism seems pretty fucking meaningful to me. Maybe you should ask yourself why you’re so desperate to defend that person. Why you really doing this buddy?
I’m sorry so you said it but I’m not supposed to address it because why exactly? You’re the one that said it. Only one conveniently ignoring things here seems to be you conveniently ignoring the ramifications of what you yourself said.
Really muskrat is what you are worried about? That’s the least you could say about him. That’s tame. Maybe the real reason social media so toxic is because said muskrat keeps promoting and endorsing pedophiles, literal Nazis, racism, and general hatred.
Have there been any lawsuits about that? Surely someone has done it so they could then sue the city right?
First of all if you’re too scared to go into a store because you think your car is going to be robbed You’re probably too scared to live in public. However from the description it sounds like this thing’s just a tall camera? It can’t do anything except monitor? So how is this any better than those towers with cameras on them?
Man I already told you I was going to assume you were a liar. The fact that you are responding to a 11 day old thread kind of makes it a double
My best behavior is to be on Larry Ellison’s front yard with pitchforks burning torches and guillotines.
I have no idea when I was banned from there. I assume it was this post, cuz I don’t think I’ve ever posted there before. I just noticed when I tried to upvote a thread earlier it wouldn’t let me so I assume this is where it came from.
Seriously these mods ban you for literally nothing. I think they’re worse on here than they ever were on Reddit. Bunch of fucking children I swear to God.
edit Oh hey now I’m banned from c/vegan too. I wasn’t even talking about them. They’re even worse I guess.
That is one Fluffy Boy
No fucking way that’s true. Nobody learns these people’s names. They were the Leave Britney Alone guy. That’s all the name they were known by. Anyone who says they bothered to learn their name is a liar.
Oddly I never seem to see her with him. Which isn’t surprising it must be pretty miserable being married to the brainworm guy.