seems OK to me currently
seems OK to me currently
sorry for the late reply but yes, in a decentralised exchange you are revealing your info to an other peer, rather than to a centralised exchange (or subphoneable entity), that makes a huge difference
Hi, you no longer need to go through any other crypto nor any centralised exchange to get your monero. just transact P2P, fiat to monero directly, on the Haveno reto decentralised exchange https://haveno-reto.com/ i wrote guides on how to use it. Centralised exchanges may force you to KYC yourself, so screw them.
there’s also xmrbazaar.com too in the earn XMR section
small detail, centralised exchanges know how much monero went through them. for that particular account. If you KYC’d there, they know how much monero YOU bought or sold on their platform
they discard the decoys when they’re given the transactions of interest, this lets them know that this transaction they saw on their node actually comes from that subphoenable entity (centralised exchange), from there they have the list of transactions that went through and they can rule out the dandelion decoys. but otherwise they can’t.
I also mentionned that they are looking at the fee structure on their malicious nodes, hence my recommendation to use the default fees. not sure if they’re actually using the rest. (number of inputs and outputs ?)
if you run your own node, it means that the adversary needs to come and ask you directly to give you the details of who connected to the node. and if you keep Tor in between you and your own node, you’re maintaining anonymity aswell.
if others find your (remote) node its not changing anything, you’re making it available for them to use monero
but still they should run their own monero node to keep decentralizing further
my pleasure ;) (if i missed anything, feel free to let me know btw)
by the way, check out my blogpost on that topic https://blog.nowhere.moe/opsec/chainalysisattempts/index.html, with my opsec recommendations
very nice, keep up the good work guys
Nah that’s easy too. you need to make sure the developers use PGP keys to confirm their identity. https://blog.nowhere.moe/opsec/pgp/index.html + https://blog.nowhere.moe/opsec/whonixqemuvms/index.html
but yeah the idea is to have a Disaster recovery plan, kind of idea, totally makes sense.
it’s not complicated, make sure that anonymity is maintained for all developers (like they do all their work from inside a whonix VM let’s say), and that you have copies of all the important monero mirrors somewhere (on a gitea instance accessible via .onion or something similar), in case if monero gets the tornadocash treatment.
that way they can’t go after the developers’ freedom of speech, and even if they take the repositories down from github, the show can go on elsewhere.
i’ll pitch in to advise people if opsec is brought up
haveno is in early stages anyway, but yea the more noob friendly it becomes, the better. Something is “”“hard”“” to install when you do not explain how to install it properly.
Currently there’s a way to install it on every OS, that’s good enough for now. Also keep in mind that there aren’t 20 dedicated developers working on haveno fulltime, you can’t have everything at once with a small team of developers
thing is, OPSEC is not about giving some random advice without explaining why in the first place. every technical complication must be justified, to be taken seriously
they’re going one step at a time towards their goal : cashless CBDC society. watch them shrink the legal cash payment amount more and more from there
yea tor and monero go hand in hand, but even over tor. take mr fed going to that farmer store over tor paying in monero, at some point he has to get his vegetables physically, where he can identify who the farmer is (cant just send food by mail i guess ?)
if the farmer has to retain his anonymity, he needs a way to send his vegetables anonymously to the buyer
yup its me :)
there’s clear potential, for monero adoption, to target small businesses that attend to basic needs like nutrition, transport, and shelters, to accept monero to be frank. Farmers, Bakeries, Cabs are all potentially monero adopters imho
Despite how bullish i am for monero in general, i have a major concern. Picture the following:
The monero community starts to move heavily into adoption (see what xmrbazaar.com is trying to achieve) and it starts to become widespread, BUT it’s still not officially allowed by governments. In fact, imagine that governments start to realize how bad monero is for their own economics and centralized control, and they start to explicitely ban it and enforce penalties for just using it (like any controlled substance). what about then ?
What about that one random farmer (small business, selling products attending to people’s basic needs to survive), who wants to accept monero to sell his vegetables, he’s going to get bothered by authorities for publicly accepting monero, after getting enough fines, i’m sure he’d actually give up trying to use monero officially.
Going even further down that road, as this would be an attack on the currency itself, what about that one fed guy buying monero (wherever, right, haveno, or whatever CEX) just to find out who’s selling monero, to literally prosecute them for just having monero?
Would Monero always remain a way to transact secretely ? rather than existing it as a way to transact publicly ?
This technology is not even meant to conform to any law, nor any governmental concern to assert their control over the populations, in fact, it is a direct threat to their existing control.
Now for me, Monero adoption must be a Bottom-UP process you go from individuals, to small businesses (farmers, bakeries, etc) and try to make monero getting adopted further up into bigger and bigger companies, which is (currently at least) increasingly less likely to get adopted due to financial regulations the higher up you go. Picture the day when those same financial regulations trinkle down all the way to the bottom of the pyramid onto small businesses and individuals, this’ll be a very tedious environment just to transact monero
good news that it’s already available: https://haveno-reto Decentralised Exchange P2P fiat to monero directly. I wrote some tutorials on how to use it, if you need help on that