I (potentially) got you.
Edit: Might be this one https://knoxgelatine.com/ColdSoupsandSalads/CSS2.htm
I (potentially) got you.
Edit: Might be this one https://knoxgelatine.com/ColdSoupsandSalads/CSS2.htm
Stalin/Nazi Germany and Hitler/Germany hated each other, constantly lied about each other, but that never meant that either of them were ‘good.’
I mean, before Methler’s Operation Barbarossa, they were happily dividing the world up between themselves.
Check for HTTPS traffic as well as the regular let 53. They could be doing DNS over HTTPS to get around the block, or a static IP for a nameserver.
Hah! True enough. I’d rather get grease on a shirt than blisters though.
I’ve still got some scars from my youth of making this mistake. Having little 2nd degree burns all over your chest is not a good time.
Simplest is to just bypass Reddit.
All eggs are ass cloaca eggs.
I maintained a CEPH cluster a few years back. I can verify that speeds under 10GbE will cause a lot of weird issues. Ideally, you’ll even want a dedicated 10GbE purely for CEPH to do its automatic maintenance stuff and not impact storage clients.
The PGs is a separate issue. Each PG is like a disk partition. There’s some funky math and guidelines to calculate the ideal number for each pool, based upon disks, OSDs, capacity, replicas, etc. Basically, more PGs means that there are more (but smaller) places for CEPH to store data. This means that balancing over a larger number of nodes and drives is easier. It also means that there’s more metadata to track. So, really, it’s a bit of a balancing act.
To reduce regulations and taxes on rich people, mainly.
*proprietary epinephrinyms
Well put. Cats are OBLIGATE carnivores. They do not have anatomy to support extracting necessary nutrition from vegan sources that are available. It IS hypothetically possibly for them to survive and thrive on an engineered food source but, such a thing does not currently exist and the chemical complexity makes it unlikely in the near future.
An unwashed ape. Probably an odor only another unwashed ape would love.
My cats smell just fine. The dog on the other hand…
They can believe all they want. Legitimate medicine requires evidence.
My German professor even mentioned the archaic apfelsine for the citrus orange.
Probably useragent check. They likely suspected that they’d get caught quicker if they scanned Linux users.
By acting as a man-in-the-middle with the ability to read unencrypted message data (absolutely required in order to try to match against known CSAM), this is absolutely providing a backdoor as well as undermining privacy and security. By needing to trust another party, there is now a greater threat surface which is outside of end user control. One compromised account with access to that third-party is all it would take to extract private details from any messages, undetected, whether for sale on there blackmarket or for suppressing political dissidents, that’s exactly where this would go and we know this because state actors have been caught doing it and getting their toolkits leaked to criminals.
This kind of law doesn’t make children or regular people any safer.
1950s American recipes are indeed horrifying. I’ve got an excellent vintage Good Housekeeping cookbook (none of the recipes are the best but it gives a wide gamut of basics to refer to, if needed). There is a section including aspics, which is just awful.