nit: you mean yaml.safe_load()
nit: you mean yaml.safe_load()
Some people see “free stuff”, and assume that it’s now open season on wasting OP’s time.
It’s a good way to kill any enthusiasm. Imagine your kid made a spaghetti portrait as a gift for you and instead of just accepting it you asked, “but what exactly did you do differently from all kids on the block?”
Why? Why ask for this from the creator?
If someone can create new software and offer it for free, they should not also be expected to also create a comprehensive analysis of what other people did and list of differences.
Just take it or leave it, it’s that simple. No need to act as if you’re trying to waste some door-to-door salesman’s time.
Edit: I expected some downvotes but not that many.
To my defense, the question in this thread is “you could elaborate what exactly you did different than all the others”. Look, I’m not a native English speaker either but I feel we could agree that is still pretty far away from simply being curious about design choices or “what led you to create this” sort of exploratory question.
I might have overreacted, though, so sorry for that.
So it’s the window—that is, the open space within the car which has the fuel cap on one side and exhaust pipe on the other—what makes it run.
Edit: Please don’t try to make house run by pouring gas into one of its window.
You don’t know that houses can’t move. Absence of a proof does not imply impossibility.
Sounds ridiculous (esp. for windows / houses) but I think it actually shows where Occam’s Razor comes to the rescue: When deciding what to believe, you should consider how many assumptions either model of the world would have to include in order to explain your observations.
Turns you don’t need to look for indisputable mathematically rigorous proofs, you just need to find the best model.
Sometimes the windows need just a little bit of help.
The orange guy is the Kool-Aid Man of Overton’s windows.