Buy a KVM that you can wire to the power button if you can. Pikvm, nanokvm, Jetkvm, etc. Will save you when the device needs a reboot or a bios tweak.
test sad
Buy a KVM that you can wire to the power button if you can. Pikvm, nanokvm, Jetkvm, etc. Will save you when the device needs a reboot or a bios tweak.
Security through obscurity isn’t security.
The classic example:
I have a website with no authentication which displays data that really should be locked down. But it’s OK because I never told anyone else the URL so no one will find it.
Unless what doesn’t boot, the KVM? Isn’t the point that this should work even if the host is not working?
As long as the host posts it should work. If it’s a hardware issue then it won’t help though.
Probably because the airtags don’t use GPS them selves, they are detected by a nearby phone and their location is interpreted from the phone’s location.
Posted in the Fediverse 😂
NanoKVM is going for around $50
My wife uses Chunky on her iPad and it works pretty well.
Easy enough to add a network folder as a file source.
Same. Been rock solid.
I love unRAID so much. It’s crazy how just a simple GUI can help solidify docker concepts.
I work at Microsoft and it’s well known that you get paid way more at Facebook and Amazon. We like to call it a “sin tax”. Their employee retention is basically how long you need to stay to get your whole signing bonus.
Microsoft is far from perfect but I thoroughly enjoy working there in gaming.
It’s also not black and white.
Some is better than none. Find a sweet spot for you.
I wish somewhere on their site or anywhere in that description they’d say “Android App”.
I was a little disappointed as an iOS user browsing their site trying to find the iOS App Store link 😬.
Edit: I appreciate the advice to switch to Android but I really wasn’t asking. 😅
I had an used R710 I used for a good 8 years and just updated it last fall.
I calculated that the power savings alone would pay for my hardware in about a year. And I get much more power out of a modern system for about 1/3 the energy usage.