Too many rich people use it to hide wealth and do other illegal shit
Too many rich people use it to hide wealth and do other illegal shit
He only supports a far right wing german party that has used nazi slogans and symbols
dO yOuRe OwN ReSeArCh!!
Seriously, actually do it instead of being fed propaganda
No not North America, just America, Canada has free health care
Yep, someone mentioned on a post the murderer hero may never be named, I replied
My comment was removed shortly after, so I recommented “Too bad, so sad”
Cool, can I sue over damaged hearing because you are a total POS?
85db or above can cause hearing damage, and every 10db is a doubling of sound so that would be 8x louder than 85 db threshold.
Also for reference, a jet engine is 140db
Here is what the meme is Referencing
Trump literally said the bottom line… It wasn’t a metaphor
Did you watch the debate?
If you did you would have seen this
You may have gotten a lemon, I’ve had the G60s and now Edge 2022 and both work fine
Wait… You think Trump came up with an idea, and then he wrote it down… Like a 400 page book? Seriously??
I’m getting Equilibrium / V for Vendetta vibes
This is why I don’t look into musicians lives for the most part, so many good musicians have shitty takes or ideas I’d rather just listen to the music
I call bullshit on the software. Just another grift
S3 was an amazing phone esp if ya rooted it. Never had any issues other than it getting stolen.
I literally have no clue what man vs bear is and honestly sounds like it should stay that way1
Just because you have lots of money doesn’t mean you’re smart