With a playful strawberry jam filling that gushes out of its eyes and mouth when you bite into it
With a playful strawberry jam filling that gushes out of its eyes and mouth when you bite into it
A baby made of horribly caustic acid that is actively moving toward other babies, and all you have available to stop it is punches. Good to punch, or bad to punch? 🤔
(The baby is much faster than you. It will reach the other babies before you can. It is about to pass you, though it hasn’t yet done so, and all you have time to do is to give it a quick, decisive strike to knock it off-course)
This game and the OG Planetside both taught me the simple joys of fighting for/on a bridge.
You can have a huge overworld, you can have an intricate map with all the lanes and passageways you want, but, in the end, the (much, much older) children yearn for the bridge.
Having a thing for glasses means having to decide between not wanting them to come off in the first place, or being blurry enough to possibly be confused for an attractive person. It’s a tough call.
Don’t forget the rather unfortunate usage of a bunch of people cruising around in the Confederate car all being named “Duke.”
See, there was once a man named David, who was the leader of a wacky little group of goofballs back in the '70s. That li’l jokester even went so far as to get everyone to call him a grand wizard, which is such a zany thing to ask people to do, but people totally did it with a straight face
Anyway, I wonder if it’s a coincidence. Who knows?
Well, let 'em come over and we can all clip coupons together