If it happens to only specific companies, but others will do anything without issues, it will be a huge problem.
And it will.
If it happens to only specific companies, but others will do anything without issues, it will be a huge problem.
And it will.
It’s not legit in any meaningful way
If that motivation still leads to work against tech monopolies
It doesn’t, never did, never will.
I can’t believe we have to argue in 2025 about this.
The whole project 2025 is about breaking bad regulations, antitrust won’t survive. You just have to kiss the ring, and do whatever.
Many things, too many to even remember.
Very bad SQL implementation is a good start, still bad replication support (compared to Postgres), various bugs present for too long…
https://www.sql-workbench.eu/dbms_comparison.html this comparison is a bit out of date, but explains a lot
Postgres is far superior in every way.
We used MySQL (and Percona XtraDB) servers at work, and it is so bad. So I made several presentations showing generic and specific reasons why Postgres is better. I had to cut a lot of content because MySQL is just that bad.
Some things may not seem relevant now, but as you keep the DB around long enough, you will appreciate the whole package of Postgres.
Things that will help a lot, but are extensions:
There is a DB comparison matrix, but hasn’t been updated in over a year, which is a shame, but still gives you the idea of how different databases support SQL features: link.
Spoiler: postgres has the most support, with a huge lead
Edit: MySQL is dead last, btw
I love user notes; this one has ‘fascist centrist’ attached, and lo and behold.
There’s no fucking way they let her go on.
I’m ready to eat my words, but I expect her to disappear, or be limited to companies which did not fall in line to Musk/Trump.
The entire shtick of the next admin is deregulation, antitrust will not be welcome.
That’s exactly it - those games just breathe atmosphere, and even the minigames add another layer to it.
Sit down, drink up, then throw darts into the wall, cause you’ve had too much.
perfect/10, will play every game of the series, and then Judgement.
How did you learn to play Mahjong?
I lost my money on the fights… and some on billiard. I just wanted to beat Erika.
IIRC, Zero had the most voicelines from the first 6 games.
It’s an amazing experience, I wish I could play it for the first time again.
It’s been on by default for many years now.
So fuck peguins I guess
Hey, I had ATI 6990… those were the times
Always has been… none of this shit is new, just the audacity is amped up.
And I don’t mean this in any mean way, but how much propaganda did you learn to detect? Like understanding that the american dream is a propaganda?
Everybody is offended by an idea of a sex with them
You sir are technically correct.
The best kind of correct.
It’s all ogre