Yeah, that sounds like the correct setting and you are correct on the Intel graphics.
Yeah, that sounds like the correct setting and you are correct on the Intel graphics.
The Bios may have a setting telling it to use the onboarding video first. I would check bios settings for that.
If the iGPU is getting the job done, I would leave that alone. You could add a GPU and pass it through to a gaming VM. But that is an entirely different project.
Proxmox is basically a VM management software that runs in a Debian install. You may be able to add it to your current install, but I am not certain about that.
At the very least it makes a good exercise in questioning facts to make sure you are not coming to faulty conclusions by misunderstanding.
Does this mean the visual center is 25% larger or that the configuration of cells is different? If it is larger where are are women’s brains larger then men’s brains?
What my setup will soon be for hardware: Gen 2 AMD epic 16 core CPU, Supermicro motherboard with lots of pcie slots, 128g ram, Intel arc a40 GPU, HBA card attached to a super micro disk shelf
Software: Proxmox for host is, Truenas Scale (just NAS) in VM with HBA card passed into VM, Plex in VM with Intel GPU passed in, 3 VMs for docker swarm (headless Debian)
Other thoughts: Cloud flare will only be helpful for things you want exposed to the internet. If you do that make sure you have a reverse proxy. This is how I expose services for non-tech family.
VPN will be more secure, but can also be more of a pain. I generally only do that for things only I need or only techy savvy people will use.
Your biggest potential bottle neck is if your NAS and App server only have a single 1g network port. This may not be a problem depending on your usage, but it is a important consideration to keep in mind.
As for food functionality it is very comparable to software remote control of a computer. There are 3 key features that stand out:
Edit: Because this is essentially full access to the machine as if you where physically at it, it should be considered a security risk. Not saying that you need to be scared of it, but you should be aware of the risk and protect it from unauthorized access.