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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • You might want to check what the actual hardware is first. You’ll probably be fine, but client 802.11 hardware can sometimes be underwhelming for hosting because they don’t have good stuff like beefed up MuMIMO.

    Although that’s assuming you will have a lot of traffic going through it, so you could always just test throughput and latency with iperf to see how well it functions.

  • mlg@lemmy.worldtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldSelf host websites
    1 month ago

    It depends on what it is really + convenience. There are lots of morons out here running basic info sites on full beefy datacenter VMs instead of a proper cloud webhost service.

    The most you’d be getting out of cloud is reliability. Self host assumes you don’t have any bottlenecks (easy enough to pass), but also 99% uptime which is impossible unless you are running with site redundancy (also possible, but I doubt how many people own multiple properties with their own distribute or private cloud solution).

    if 95% uptime is acceptable, and you don’t live in an area with outage issues from weather, I’d say go for it. Otherwise, you can find some pretty cheap cloud solutions for basic websites. Even a cheapo VPS would probably work just fine.

  • I have run photoprism straight from mdadm RAID5 on some ye olde SAS drives with only a reduction in the indexing speed (About 30K photos which took ~2 hours to index with GPU tensorflow).

    That being said I’m in a similar boat doing an upgrade and I have some warnings that I have found are helpful:

    1. Consumer grade NVMEs are not designed for tons of write ops, so they should optimally only be used in RAID 0/1/10. RAID 5/6 will literally start with a massive parity rip on the drives, and the default timer for RAID checks on Linux is 1 week. Same goes for ZFS and mdadm caching, just proceed with caution (ie 321 backups) if you go that route. Even if you end up doing RAID 5/6, make sure you get quality hardware with decent TBW, as sever grade NVMEs are often triple in TBW rating.
    2. ZFS is a load of pain if you’re running anything related to Fedora or Redhat, and the performance implications from lots and lots of testing is still arguably inconclusive on a NAS/Home lab setup. Unless you rely on the specific feature set or are making an actual hefty storage node, stock mdadm and LVM will probably fulfill your needs.
    3. Btrfs has all the features you need but is a load of trash in performance, highly recommend XFS for file integrity features + built in data dedup, and mdadm/lvm for the rest.

    I’m personally going with the NVME scheduled backups to RAID because the caching just doesn’t seem worth it when I’m gonna be slamming huge media files around all day along with running VMs and other crap. For context, the 2TB NVME brand I have is only rated for 1200 TBW. That’s probably more then enough for a file server, but for my homelab server it would just be caching constantly with whatever workload I’m throwing at it. Would still probably last a few years no issues, but SSD pricing has just been awful these past few years.

    On a related note, Photoprism needs to upgrade to Tensorflow 2 so I don’t have to compile an antiquated binary for CUDA support.

  • mlg@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldKeep it simple
    2 months ago

    Last time I checked on ansible, it was a sysadmin complaining that he could just do everything better with vanilla bash scripts and that redhat keeps riding it because every company keeps asking for ansible experience, even if it’s now a dated product.

    And just personally, declarative anything seems to defeat it’s own purpose any time you want to do something non standard, which comes up more often than you’d think.

  • mlg@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldSeCuRiTy aNd PerForManCe
    2 months ago

    Well since we’re here:

    You can’t easily remap keys

    You can scroll right but not left with the track pad

    The delete key doesn’t do anything in the finder

    There was no window snapping until literally a few months ago

    The terminal uses cmd+c instead of cmd+shift+c (really should be ctrl but okay)

    The dock sucks when using multiple windows per app

    Every app relies on an antiquated menu bar at the top which is straight out of 90s UI

    The Fn key is where the ctrl key should be and the alt key is where the command key should be (hardware, can’t rebind without addon tho)

    You can’t control audio levels on external displays (because Apple)

    Software does not support multiple displays per port and instead can only have one display per port, meaning in order to have two displays you need one cable for hdmi and one cable for USB-C, can’t have two of each.

    The mouse acceleration curve is a troll for anyone not using the trackpad, and cannot be adjusted aside from being turned off.

    There’s a ton more but these were just off the top of my head.


    Because multiple people mentioned this, I have a big issue with the command/meta key shortcuts because of Apple’s braindead placement of their keys on the keyboard, so its a combined hardware software issue.

    I otherwise wouldn’t mind having to use command except my pinky has to wrap around to hit alt or I have to shift my entire hand to hit command because using a standard keyboard layout like literally every single other keyboard in existence is too much to implement.


    I’m saying this coming from gaming on ye olde ass cheapo office keyboards for years with no problems, clunky Chinese knockoff keyboards with no problems, and even tiny compressed button keyboards with no problems.

    And as others have also shared, I am forced to put up with this crap because of my work. Thankfully, most of my actual work happens inside a nice customized Linux VM, but switching between the host is still required and has been a painful experience. I genuinely gave it a solid shot for several months hoping maybe this was just me never using Mac UI before, but even with all the addons this UI is annoying to use.

    I can’t run a key rebinder though because the software is essentially a keylogger addon, so coaxing it to run even with IT is a pain, so now I’m probably going to buy another Corsair keyboard I can setup a hardware profile to make this a bit easier when I’m at least docked.

  • Meme mentions CISA and FBI but everyone knows NSA already has a master list of vulns that they juggle deciding if they’re worth disclosing or better off keeping for themselves lol.

    They sat on Eternal Blue for allegedly a decade. Any APT has plenty of time and money to spend attacking America’s public infara when they don’t even bother to cover the bargain basement stuff like the insanity that is Microsoft AD.

    I wonder if China is any better with their hefty surveillance and firewall though. I wouldn’t be completely surpised if some of their public infara is also exposed for the same reasons.

  • mlg@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldBanish her again
    3 months ago

    I did a fresh install of windows 11 and I opened edge the first time only to crash after a second because it couldn’t handle the fact that I wasn’t signed into a Microsoft account.

    It crashed immediately every successive attempt to open it.

    After the 15th try (mostly for my own amusement) I downloaded Firefox from the windows store so that there’d be a functional browser in the VM I had just set up for someone to use to run essentially the last scamware app he still needs for hopefully not much longer (cough intuit cough)