Love FreshRSS. It really is something that I didn’t know I needed. I often switch RSS apps, and it allows for seemless transitions.
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Love FreshRSS. It really is something that I didn’t know I needed. I often switch RSS apps, and it allows for seemless transitions.
Most of the time it’s gplay, if the app is on it… Probably because the developer gets the most traffic through there. Sometimes its days to weeks earlier if its on gplay. Others, github/fdroid is a toss up. Pretty similar
Absolutely. I end up using it in conjunction with gplay and fdroid to see which ones are updated sooner. Very useful.
Thirded. Came from Proton even. It’s been solid for sure!
Use it daily with a couple applications. Namely Thunderbird on Android and Mailbird on Windows.
I like to switch RSS apps on the phone a lot because I can’t stick with one, and none of them are perfect