The lower the better. Getting taxes back just means you loaned the government money at 0% interest.
The lower the better. Getting taxes back just means you loaned the government money at 0% interest.
Mexico is in North America, but try telling that the common trump supporting gringo.
You want proof that littering is bad for the environment? Really, that’s the hill? Lmao.
Yes I make privileged assumptions and stereotypes. As do the healthcare workers and lawmakers when writing policies. Big things like these have to be generalized. I’m sure you understand that tackling smoking, smoking related diseases and policies at the individual level is nearly impossible.
Sorry uneducated smokers in the republic of whatever don’t immediately affect me as much as you think they should. But packaging around (the vast majority of) the world has at least some warming on it. And it’s WIDELY known that it’s a bad idea to smoke.
Not sure why you’re so hard about keeping filters around, but smokers anywhere aren’t victims. They make the conscious decision to light up every single time and the actual victims are people who don’t share their dirty murderous habit.
If you find yourself defending smoking in any way shape or form, you’re wrong. Plain and simple.
Bro don’t cherry pick when quoting me, wth. They absolutely harm the environment more than help. Again smokers know the risk when they started smoking. They don’t get to mitigate that risk by poisoning the environment with their trapped tar filters that they flick everywhere with out a care for themselves or nonsmokers or the environment.
You’re wrong on this one
I doubt that filters provide any real harm reduction beyond trapping a little bit of tar, quick internet search will confirm. They seem to do more harm than good when you consider their environmental impact. From my pov, keeping them around is needlessly cruel and results in no benefit whatsoever
Any smoker already knows they’re killing themselves. Now it turns out their “filters” are harming us. I can’t even use a plastic straw anymore for fuck’s sake. Why not get rid of the filter?
Does blocking count as engagement? It would absolutely not surprise me if it does.
No it’s fucking pertinent af
Even worse, it’s buy now pay later.