Why are there so many responses like this, saying not to go back to Google? The OP didn’t even mention Google as an option they were considering. I’ve seen zero discussion in any of the other posts around the fediverse where people have expressed any desire to use Google because of this. Why would anyone think that users who had already moved to Proton would find Google acceptable as an alternative right now?
This just feels like you’re trying to discourage actual conversation about alternatives by acting like the only options are Proton or Google, so we all ought to shut up and sit down.
Also, if you think merely becoming a non-profit means a corporation can never exploit people and isn’t interested in making money off of it’s customers, then I’ve got a bridge to sell you.
He doesn’t have to be incorrect in order for people to feel betrayed by his comments. The commenter was answering the question of why people felt betrayed. Demonstrating the incorrectness of the CEO’s take is out of scope.
(Although, he definitely is also incorrect. Republicans love corporations and monopolies even more than Democrats do. They’re slightly more nationalistic about it though, which is the only reason they ever make noises to oppose corporations that aren’t sufficiently US-owned.)