Because it’s obnoxious.
And while it may not break rules, it goes against the spirit of online forums and discussion to ban people and prevent discussion just because they respectfully disagree with you.
Also, Lemmy has an issue if a post can gain traction because mods just block anyone who downvotes, preventing them from voting on further posts.
Did you just ban me from the community because I downvoted one of your comments?
All I ever did in the community was downvote you and now I can’t post or vote there 😂
In England we had it with school jumpers, poor kids had a cheap jumper with the logo sewn on, everyone else had an official jumper.
I was one of the three or so “poor” kids in my year, and it was quite embarrassing. Wasn’t even poor, my mum was just extremely stingy and wouldn’t pay for the proper jumper…
I just don’t understand how you could describe them as dry?
Like, in my mind if you were to criticise them it would be that they’re too over the top. They’ve got punchy vocals, in your face solos, and most of the songs you listed are stadium rock.
There’s a bravado and flamboyance to everything they do, so it’s kinda supposed to be corny and fun. Not all music needs to be sad and have deep meaning, sometimes you need to let loose.
It’s just a bit too expensive imo.