Powered by a 5hp lawnmower engine
Powered by a 5hp lawnmower engine
It’s a chance for them to lock you (normies) into their platform forever. They’re not going to give that up.
I dip them in my coffee
This is what happens when the marketing department runs the engineering department
It was a sex tape, my bad
Didn’t they get caught up in the hulk Hogan dick pic scandal?
and only the state should have them
Great, now I will need one of these for my computer
Alcoholics Doing Payroll
Their port forwarding works for me, but you’re right. It takes some knowledge to make it work.
Maybe it’s a cyber Monday deal, they’re advertising 3.33/mo
PIA is $40/yr and if you’re just dodging hollywood lawyers, it is perfect for that. I can easily saturate my 1Gbps connection. It’s a well known service so some companies block their IPs and you’ll get captchas but I think that’s unavoidable.
If you have state actors interested in your activities, keep shopping.
It’s not 5x capable, is my point.
About 10 of those VMs are running a single docker image. It runs great but I know better now.
home assistant
Omada controller
Wireguard server node
Arr stack
Proxmox Backup Server
3 or 4 desktop images to mess around with
My 7700x is 5 times that wattage. Granted, it gas 128gb, a380, 4 hdd, 2 SSD, 40gb nic, tpu, and 25 VMs running on it.
The lesson here is that I’ve way over-spec’d my machine.
$650 for the box leaves you $350 for drives and a 10Gb NIC. I’ve been using serverpartdeals refub drives with good results. They’re ~$10/tb.
I think the N100 type CPUs are limited on PCIe lanes. You end up with less nvme, less sata, and usually no slots.
You can find x570 am4 boards for less than $100 now. Two nvme, 8 sata, 2 big slots and 2 small.
But all of that flexibility and expandability is going to cost you in power. My 7700x w/A380, 3 hdd is 125 watts 24/7. $10 a month on my power bill. I think those n100 mini PCs only have a 35w brick and idle at less than 15w.
I have a fully automatic 2x18tb magic hard drive. I’m a member of 4 private trackers. I’ve been disabling JavaScript since I could click a mouse.
404 are legit journalists and I pay the $8 a month because they do damn good work.
That’s always borked both connections for me
I’ve got 4 Omada APs and a virtual controller. There was a bug I experienced where a Google home mini could initiate a broadcast storm. TP-Link got me in touch with engineers very quickly and they fixed the bug in less than a week.
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