Right. Just like the oracle at OpenAI.
Dude … did you really just pull a Dunning/Kruger, in a post about Dunning/Kruger 😂 Do you understand the definition of irony? I literally pulled it from a page titled “Side view of a healthy human brain.” But you, joe “reply guy” are the smart one.
You’re probs too dumb to feel embarrassed for yourself.
And, you spelled skepticism wrong. You are just the caricature of a reply guy 😂
Wrong. Skepticism is doubt as to the truth of something. Cynicism is an inclination to believe that people are motivated purely by self-interest. Look it up, reply guy.
And in the future, when the tag on a meme indicates a lawyer created it? Probs best you err to caution on what words mean. I maxed out the verbal component on the LSAT.
Correct. You’re the loser.