I’ve been hit so many times I should have a purple heart. This screenshot is akin to a NK general showing off his stripes.
I’ve been hit so many times I should have a purple heart. This screenshot is akin to a NK general showing off his stripes.
This is more about familiarity than difference in ease of use. I’ve used both, they are both super easy.
Because it would stink. I get your point but there are better ways if demonstrating it.
It adds more functionality but makes adminstration more complicated.
Like I was reading posts on Lemmy yesterday that the reason Nextcloud file sync is preferred over seafile for some is because seafile stores the data in a format that can only be read by seafile. This is what systemd does.
If you are the only user then use seafile pro. It’s free for up to 3 users.
I recently decommissioned my old poweredge T620. Beast of a thing, 5U heavy af. It had 8x10T drives and was the primary media server.
Now that it is replaced I bought 2x Synology RS822+ and filled them with the old disks. Using SHR2. They are mixed brands bought at different times so I’ve made sure each NAS has a mix of disks.
Lowest is 33k hours, highest is 83k.
I know Lemmy hates telegram but it should be common knowledge that all platforms process requests from authorities.
The repeated posting of this story the last few days seems artificial.
I don’t get the middle statement. If you pick just one, the chance is 5%
Is it identifiable? Can it be attributed to individual car level?
Isn’t your use case exactly what Ceph is for?
In 2010 I self hosted a Xen hypervisor and used it for everything I could. It was fun!
I had a drive failure in my main raid 5 array so bought a new disk. When it came to swap it out, I pulled the wrong disk.
It was hardware raid using an Adaptec card and the card threw the raid out and refused to bring it together again. I couldn’t afford recovery. I remember I just sat there, dumb founded, in disbelief. I went through all the stages of grief.
I was in the middle of a migration from OVH to Hetzner and it occurred at a time where I had yet to reconfigure remote backups.
I lost all my photos of our first child. Luckily some of them were digitised from developed physical media which we still had. But a lot was lost.
This was my lesson.
I now have veeam, proxmox backup server, backuppc and Borg. Backups are hosted in 2 online locations and a separate physical server elsewhere in the house.
Backups are super, SUPER important. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve logged into backuppc to restore a file or folder because I did a silly. And it’s always reassuring how easy it is to restore.
Doesn’t explain the 20 or so users banned in the past couple of hours for “rule 5” having never posted in the community.
Your PC network card keeps the connection up in order to receive wake on LAN requests.
Any link activity whilst the PC is shutdown is packets that were broadcasted to the entire network. Other PCs, DHCP requests, etc send traffic to all devices on the network. So seeing some traffic whilst it’s off is nothing to worry about.
Have you ever had a short look at the modlog? Users getting banned from 10+ unrelated communities with reason “liberal”. All because some hater is a mod to multiple communities. Like what good does that serve?
Isn’t that how it is already.
My daughter is 18 and doesn’t need to shower every day. She has no discernable body odour that I know of and she hardly sweats.
I’ll be smelly by 4pm having had a shower at 7am. Deodorant can only do so much. I work from home at a desk.
Everyone is different.
https://demo.scrypted.app/ is the new kid on the block. Intuitive interface, easy to configure, not free, great system.
I wouldn’t want bank notifications emailed to me. Maybe a notification that I have a notification, but no real content. Email is incredibly insecure.
Red blouse? What is this??!