Knock some of their teeth loose and they can do the whistling part themselves
Knock some of their teeth loose and they can do the whistling part themselves
Bad Reputation by Joan Jett & the Blackhearts… like in Shrek.
They’ll also list height in meters and centimeters, but list driving distance in miles.
They’re on the same side in that they are on the side of taking your money and giving you nothing. Ironically, that also means they’re not on the same side of this situation where one is the insurer and one the insured.
Thanks. Full disclosure, I commented those the last time I saw this picture posted, so i didn’t just come up with them now. It was months ago. They are all mine though, except the obvious Spock on a Cock.
Hand to God, those are 100 percent my own
Spock on a Cock?
Vulcan on a Hulk Hen?
A Star Trekker on a big pecker?
Resting scowl and a giant fowl?
Half breed and an avian steed?
S’Chn T’Gai on a mount that can’t fly?
No yiffs, glans, or butts.
… i just myself really uncomfortable for a pun.
digging into wallet … Wait! … who’s butt? Yours or mine? … eh shrug … continues digging into wallet
My father in law owns fireworks stores, so instead of the thumbs up emoji. He sends the fireworks emoji.
Me: Hey, I dropped off some papers on your counter and brought in a package from your porch.
Father-in-law: 🎇
You all nag about how Americans have no food culture of their own, that they just steal and adapt other countries’ foods. Then when you see true American creation and innovation, you reel back in fear and disgusting. Cowards!
I have to return some video tapes.