I don’t know, could you explain please
Yeah I am behind CGNAT so I guess I have to use either Tailscale or wireguard as other users also suggested.
Thank you for the reply!
It’s not only not static It’s firewalled too! I can’t ping it from outside the network
tailscale is looking good I might try that
actually I was thinking about hosting my own fediverse service to own my data but I can’t do that without a static public IP and domain name.
yeah but there could be algorithm that runs locally I don’t see problem with that
and people are totally fine with it!!
by default it doesn’t proxy the video stream you are getting from YouTube. it just extract the link to that stream and sent it to your browser and then you browser plays that stream URL which points to google’s server so google is able to see your IP address.
however there is an option called “DASH” if you enable this option the stream would be proxied by your invidious instances. this options is disabled on most of the public instances because of high bandwidth usage.
I don’t know configuring cert always feels scary to me even though it’s probably not that difficult
You could use instance on my VPS it’s not blocked yet. However it’s http only :/
Seems like their thread model is hiding from FBI
sounds horrible, yesterday I couldn’t watch a video on Tubular so I just didn’t watch it.
Could you tell which 4 languages you use? I am sure it would include Japanese.
wait, does the lifetime of cookie is decided by browser? I thought it is handled by the server and the server decided when to expire certain cookie.
I think it’s Gruvbox but I could be wrong