Wait, is this live action Boimler?
Oh shit, it is!
Wait, is this live action Boimler?
Oh shit, it is!
50/50? Paul would easily get his ass kicked in a real fight against Carter!
And have to dig up even more earth using even more big machines? If you did a 50ft power line underground, that’s 50 ft of earth that has to be dug up, not to mention what happens whenever something inevitably goes wrong and you have to dig it all up again. Then you also have to bury transformers, which means you need to cool them.
There’s many, many good reasons that we use power lines over burying them. Mostly, power lines are so significantly cheaper and easier that it’s not even comparable. I’ve seen the bill when a buried fiber line gets broken. It is crazy expensive.
I had a friend like this in college. His name was AJ. That’s it. Just the letters.
Everyone in the department spent ages trying to guess what it stood for. I managed to glance his ID when we got lunch together once. His name was just AJ. There weren’t even periods marking it as an abbreviation.
Still haven’t told anyone though
In real life we have things like tones and inflections. On the Internet we have text and some emojis a lot of people are seemingly allergic to
Obsidian is just sooooo good. I hate that you (technically 😉) have to pay for multi device sync, but the UI and UX are excellent, especially if you’re already proficient in markdown
Haven’t tried logseq before, so I can’t compare
He tried to kill the active President, not for political reasons, but to impress an actress who didn’t know he existed.
Mans bat shit. Why on earth would the diagnosis of crazy be challenged?
Are there any programs that can do e2e in a group chat? My limited knowledge of e2e and encryption makes me think that’d be extremely difficult and even clunkier
As someone who’s moved a several tons of the furniture on the left, I’ll take the shit on the right all day. Not only is the shit on the left always incredibly heavy, it’s also ugly as hell and takes up an ungodly amount of space
A Target in Modesto
Apparently I’ll need to watch that soon!